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Welcome back to Gnostic Insights. The big day has come. The book is now available. A Simple Explanation of the Gnostic Gospel, is now available on Amazon.
Just type in that name, or type in my name, C-Y-D, R-O-P-P, and you’ll be taken to my various books that are on Amazon. A Simple Explanation of the Gnostic Gospel is available for only $9 as an e-book, or free on Kindle, if you have a Kindle subscription. It’s $24 as the paperback. And keep in mind, I price all of my books at the least expensive that the publisher will allow me to sell them for because I would much rather get the information out to you than for me to make money.

I’m not making a living off of this podcast or off of being an author, believe me. Wish I were, but eh, not the case. Can you imagine what would happen if A Simple Explanation of the Gnostic Gospel went viral? It’s mind-blowing and very difficult to imagine selling a million or even thousands of copies, but how about you pray along with me and we make it happen? Because I think of this as a reformation.
I am driven, apparently by God, to reform conventional Christianity as we have come to know it. It is my belief that what happened around 300 AD by the Catholic Church and by the Emperor of Rome was actually a diversion from the original Gospel message. Back when I was a young believer, about 50 years ago, I believed in the Nicene Council and the Nicene Creed and that they were protecting us for our own good by taking bad bits out of the Bible.
But one thing that I have learned in the past few years of government censorship and collusion between the powers that be, such as mainstream media and governments of the world, is that they really want to shape our beliefs. They really want to keep a lid on things that we are allowed to consider and believe, especially about God. This is why the communist nations are officially non-religious, because you cannot have people actually believing in the power of God, working in their lives and following God’s will in things, being at odds with a corrupt government, especially a totalitarian dictatorship, because they want to control what you think. They want to control the laws and what you think and do. And so those governments tend to put a real damper on religious freedom and freedom of speech. They would like to put a damper on freedom of thought, and they do that through propaganda and collusion between the media outlets and what the government wants you to believe.
That’s my opinion. What’s your opinion? You can write back. The comments are open.
In any event, I used to believe that the Nicene Council and the Emperor of Rome and the Pope were doing this for our good and for our benefit, and to keep true the words of the Bible and to protect and sanctify the words of Jesus. But now, after living in these recent times, I can see much better how these things work. You know, my PhD is in rhetoric, which is defined as the power of persuasive speech. So when I have been watching for the last several years the way that people are packaged and presented, the way that various candidates are packaged and presented to us, I can see the manipulation of the rhetoric. I see it clearly, you know, the same way that, like, a physician, if you walk in with a skin problem, a rash, and you walk in to a dermatologist, and they can look at you and say, oh, well, that’s an eczema, or oh, well, that’s psoriasis. They can see right off the bat what it is. You don’t know what it is because you’re not a doctor or dermatologist. I can see the rhetoric in the same way.
This causes me to doubt the intentions and the sanctification of the original Nicene Council. We’re not Roman citizens anymore, folks. Philip K. Dick, of course, says that the empire never ended, and that we are still Roman empire citizens, but we just don’t realize it. That is one way of putting it. That’s just a way of describing it. So having opened up my thinking in that regard, I cracked open that Nicene Council egg, and what came out was the Nag Hammadi.
I read through the Nag Hammadi, and I would not ever have done that in my older, more strictly constrained evangelical days. Now, I’m sure that many evangelicals think I have fallen away from the faith, and yet I haven’t. I believe in Christ. I believe in the Father. I believe in heaven. I believe we’re all going to heaven. That is Christian.
What I don’t believe is that most everyone’s going to hell, because remember, very simply put, we are all fractals of the Father. The Bible says we are the children of God. We are fractals off of the one consciousness of the Father. Is the Father ever going to be diminished? No. Even the Bible says, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be. The Father, the eternal consciousness, cannot be lessened, cannot be thrown away, cannot be thrown into everlasting torment in a lake of fire. God would not allow that of His children.
We’re faulty. We’re fallen. We’re sinful. That is the effects of living in this material world, cheek to jowl with the demiurge, being deluded by materialism and having our body and our emotions drawn into the material world.
The Tripartite Tractate says there’s a reason that the Father set it up so that we are drawn into the material world, and yet we are disappointed and never satisfied by the material world. And that disappointment and lack of satisfaction is so that the material will have a weak hold on us, so that when we pass out of this mortal existence, we can immediately return back into the Fullness of God.
So, God isn’t going to throw you away, even if you are a sinful person, although it breaks everyone’s heart if you are living a sinful life. It’s a very, very sad thing for your Aeonic parents. They’re not ashamed of you—they are so sad on your behalf. So throw off those coils. Back off the demiurge. Come to the truth. Come to the light.
And that is what A Simple Explanation of the Gnostic Gospel attempts to do in this book. It’s about almost 300 pages, fully illustrated with all of the diagrams that you’ve come to know and hopefully love here at Gnostic Insights. And especially if you only listen to this as an audio podcast and you don’t go to GnosticInsights.com to read the transcript or to see the illustrations that accompany every episode, you will find A Simple Explanation of the Gnostic Gospel to be a handy and welcome addition. Certainly if you’re seeking gnosis or if you consider yourself a Gnostic or if you are, for example, a Christian who has fallen away from the faith because certain things don’t sit right with you, I think the answers are in A Simple Explanation of the Gnostic Gospel and I urge you to pick up the book at any price point.
I have reformatted the book as a hard copy. I’m waiting for my proof copy to arrive in the mail. That should arrive any day. So hopefully by next week the hardback will also be posted on Amazon for you to be able to buy if you want to. Now, again, I’m not making any money on the hardback even though it’s selling for $45. It cost me $30 just for the proof copy. So all the rest of that money is the printing expense and the royalties that the booksellers and Amazon take off at the top. But I thought if you really have come to love this Gnostic Gospel and the simple Gnostic Gospel that I present in this podcast, you may enjoy getting the hard copy because it’s substantial and it’s very beautiful. It’ll hold up to the test of time and it will look beautiful on your bookshelf.
Aside from this being one long plug for the new book, thank you very much, I would like to read to you a few lovely pieces of encouragement I have received from my podcast listeners. I’m not going to say their names, but if you wrote this to me, you’ll know who you are.
Recently I received a message that says, “Another inspirational podcast said, please keep them coming. It seems like such simplicity, but in your introduction, the words to fear not we are known and we are loved when taken to heart and truly believed states such a significant thing. That belief can cut through much darkness with the purest light that we are all known are equally loved and all are destined for the journey home to be in the fullness. Blessings.” And she wrote that in response to the post called Our Awesome Origin, if you didn’t hear that one and you’d like to back up and see what that one was about.
Another comment I received last year was, “Although you have mentioned and you wonder, is there anyone reading and listening? I’m finally taking the time to send you a note to thank you from my heart for the sincerity and effort you put into your work and sharing towards the understanding and enlightening of the Gnostic Gospels. I appreciate so much that you give this available and free to anyone who cares to read and listen. I have purchased your book, (and she’d be referring to The Gnostic Gospel Illuminated, which was the only book available at that time), I have purchased your book because I have the luxury of being able to do that, but you offer all of the relevant ideas and information at no cost other than someone needing to have access to a computer. And that’s a wonderful thing. All blessings and good fortune to you and onward and as you say, in love and light.”
So, these mean a lot to me because, you know, I’m sitting here at home with the dog and my cats just talking to you, because I do believe that Gnosis should be freely dispensed. And I’m retired. I have retirement income. I get social security, so I’m not destitute. And if this is the way God is having me spread the message, that’s fine with me. I don’t have to be paid for it. But you know, whatever money that you do send me now, that is going directly into promotion so that we can broaden this Gnostic Reformation. I really would like to have it take off the way the First Reformation by Martin Luther took off back in the 1500’s. Wouldn’t that be awesome?
Here’s one now. This is from a listener who lives in Thailand. And he said, “I’ve not followed Gnostic work or any work for quite a while. I gained a big insight from you and never felt the need to seek any further.” And God bless him for that because that’s the way I feel about it. I don’t read a lot of books anymore, other people’s notions of how to become enlightened. I don’t need that. The Gnosis is coming to me directly from the Fullness of God and through the Bible and through basically the Tripartite Tractate of the Nag Hammadi. Everything else seems to be rabbit trails to me, rabbit holes. Chasing after this, chasing after that. There’s no need to chase once you find your Gnosis and begin learning to tap directly into it. Remember, it comes directly into us. We have it. We’re born with it. It’s in every cell in our body. We have fractals of the Fullness of God. So it’s a matter of tapping in to God by going in and up, not by going out into the world. That isn’t where you’re going to find it.
This listener also went on to say, “Gnosticism via Google is portrayed as humans trapped forever. You, however, portrayed a different version. One where the power is always with humans and the eternal spark within them. That was a powerful insight. One that is the complete opposite of mainstream Gnosticism found on Google. There is no battle, only a deliberate perception, deception of one. What I am is always there despite anything in this world or anything happening to the body. I just need to relax into that eternal me and know that this world has only the significance that I give to it. Attachment is the root of all suffering, said Buddha. Attachment to perceptions, to people, to experiences, and to possessions. All are illusions. Real, but ultimately illusions designed to entrap. The only thing that is real is the energy that underlies this world. A subtle light energy available to everyone once they release the dense, heavy energy of the mind and its attachments. The archons have power, but ultimately no power. A divine dichotomy. They can only deceive us to give up ours. Anyway, I gained something important from you in my own way. Just wanted to check in. Good to know you’re doing well. Keep on keeping on. Take care and very best wishes.”
Lastly, here’s an email I received just last week. And she says, “Excellent explainer of the complexity of Gnosticism. I’m very grateful as I have tried to study Gnosticism knowing there was a deep kernel of truth to be mined in these teachings. In spite of my research, I could never quite find my way through to the essence. In your short article here, (and that was As Above So Below), in your short article here, I feel like I found the gleaming jewel I was seeking. An understanding of the mission of Jesus Christ from the perspective of Gnosticism is clarifying and encouraging to the modern human soul who needs the bridge from mere belief to knowing Gnosis. We live in interesting times in which the discernment between truth and not truth is increasingly more challenging.”
See, I kind of think that it’s becoming more clear, especially in the last few years of political uprisings throughout the world and the attempt of governments to clamp down on those freedoms that people are expressing. The difference between righteous behavior and unrighteous behavior or between governments that encourage righteous behavior and governments that just want to demoralize and clamp down is really becoming clear. The news media who used to be trusted and used to be looked at as sources of information are now being increasingly discarded as sources of state-sponsored propaganda. And that is now clear.
So people I used to trust, I don’t quite trust so much anymore. But I think that’s good because I think the tigers are showing their stripes. And it’s for our benefit so that we can recognize and we can choose clearly between the world and between the Father above.
I hold these letters from the readers very dear to my heart. And I thank you all so much. And I also thank those of you who, for example, on Substack, comment openly, send it through comments rather than through personal emails to me. All is good. I love you. And I’m so happy and relieved that A Simple Explanation of the Gnostic Gospel is finally out there in the world. It’s being recorded right now by Miguel Conner as an audiobook. And I don’t know how long that’s going to take, probably a couple of more months. But that will be really cool when that comes out, too.
So thank you for all the new subscribers that are starting to find us. Let’s get this thing going. Let’s get this Gnostic Reformation underway.
I need you to do that. Point people to the broadcast. Give the book as gifts. I would love to come to where you are and talk to your group or your church, anyone that would have me. So if you want to try to set something like that up, I’d love to do that. Or if you have a podcast and you’d like me as a guest. Let’s do this.
Thank you for spending this time with me this week. I’ll see you next week. God bless us all and Onward and Upward!