Complete Episodes Library

Complete Episodes Library from May, 2021 through June, 2022. Look for later episodes under the Simple Explanation tab in the menu.

The Gnostic Gospel Primer, consisting of the first eight episodes of Gnostic Insights, will be found under their own tab in the menu. I recommend that you start there.

Below are the discussion episodes of Gnostic Insights that follow after the Gnostic Primer. These are posted in order of their release date, from the top down. Going in order may be helpful to your understanding, as new concepts are added as discussions unfold and foundations of understanding are formed.

The links below lead to each episode’s page and audio player.

Ego vs. Self

Why Not Be Sinful? – Gnostic Insights

Who, What, and Why Is the Christ?

A Fractal Model of Human Nature

Evolution and Conscious Design [aka Our Aeonic Inheritance]

A Simple Model of Memes, part 1: Live and Let Live

A Simple Model of Memes, part 2: Religious Memes

I Am Not Me–The Self

The Thunder, Perfect Mind

Archetypes and Complex Fractals

Consciousness and Free Will

Archons of the Deficiency

Huxley’s Perennial Philosophy

Dropping Unwanted Memes

A Simple Model of Reincarnation

Walking in God’s Light

A Case Study of Past Life Regression

Where Did Evil Come From?

Dreams, Parables of the Night

Aeons, Archons, Angels, or Aliens?

Gnosis and the Tao Te Ching, Verse 21

The Gnostic God

The Generation of the Son

Yearning for the Pleroma

Gnosis vs. Scholasticism

Aeons, Not Ages

Monads, Panpsychism, and the Fullness of God

Slime Mold Pleroma

Whence Arises Consciousness? Part 1: Viruses and Organoids

Whence Arises Consciousness? Part 2: AI and Robotics

Escaping Fundamentalism with Adrian Charles Smith, Part

Escaping Fundamentalism, Part 2, with Adrian Charles Smith


One Gnostic God; Many Inhabited Worlds

As Below, So Above: Inferring the Transcendent

Ego’s Shroud

The Anti-Christ

The Three Orders of Power and the Demiurge

Gnosis and the Tao Te Ching, Verses 21, 4, and 48

Gnosis and the Tao Te Ching, Verses 1 and 31

The Fall: Who, what, where, how, and why – Gnostic Insights

Mud Up, Spirit Down – Gnostic Insights

The Infancy Gospel of James: Mary and the Birth of Jesus – Gnostic Insights

Morality, Ethics, and Gnosis

Left and Right

Transpersonal Consciousness and Gnosis

Cyd and Friend Talk Gnostic Gospel, Part 1

Cyd and Friend Talk Gnostic Gospel, Part 2

Salvation, Jehovah, and the Demiurge

Interpreting Hermetic Books; Tractate 7 and Poimandres

A Simple Model of the Gnostic Universe

Christ–The 3rd Order of Powers

Powers and Archons

Tessa Lena Interview, Part 1

Tessa Lena Interview, Part 2

The Demiurge’s Strings of Power

Honoring Our Aeonic Nature (our Aeonic inheritance)

Valentinian Theology Review

Easter Message, 2022 – Gnostic Insights

Sethian Gnosticism – Gnostic Insights

Tibetan Book of the Dead – Gnostic Insights

Leading With Your Heart Chakra

Job and the Demiurge

Magic and Gnosis – Gnostic Insights

The Birth and Nature of Logos – Gnostic Insights

“Why Are We Here?” A Listener Question – Gnostic Insights

Praise and Glory–Aeonic Romance – Gnostic Insights

The Third Order Powers–the Army of Christ

Redeeming the Demiurge and Creation

Complete Episodes Library through June, 2022. Look for later episodes under the Simple Explanation tab in the menu.

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