Gnostic Insights Podcasts
Cyd Ropp explains basic Gnostic ideas, often narrated while walking the dog.
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, Podcasts
A Simple Model of Memes, Pt. 2–Religious Memes
A tour of exoteric and esoteric religious memes from around the world. What do they have in common, and how do they differ?
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, Podcasts
A Simple Model of Memes, Pt. 1–“Live and Let Live”
Memes are the cultural expressions of societies, and their content is information. Memes, in other words, are the “stuff” of symbolic thought. Everyone holds their own personal bundle of memes tightly against their soul, and these memes influence every aspect of our lives.
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, Podcasts
Protected: The Gnostic Gospel Illuminated Audio Book available upon request
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, Podcasts
Evolution and Conscious Design
Everything in the cosmos is created through aeonic principles embodied in all units of consciousness, and each governing Unit of Consciousness evolves according to personal inclination and ability.
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, Podcasts
A Fractal Model of Human Nature
Within the confines of my skin, countless units of consciousness patterned after the Aeons, work together to keep me alive and fully functional.
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, Podcasts
Who, What, and Why Is the Christ?
The Aeons of the Fullness gave glory to their Father while praying for a helper to bring peace to the Deficiency and restoration to Logos.
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, Podcasts
Why Not Be Sinful?
If all souls eventually wind up in Paradise, then why not lead a sinful life? What is the point of virtue?
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, Podcasts
Ego vs. Self
We humans are each engaged in a personal battle between our Ego and our Higher Self. One of them is devoted to our body, the other to reaching out to others with love…
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, Podcasts
Episode 8 Redemption and Paradise
The Aeons of the Fullness produced a Fruit bearing the image of their Father; and that Fruit–the Christ–took charge of the economy and proceeded to bring Redemption, one soul at a time.
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Episode 7 Creating our Universe
Our world brings about a material version of the Paradise dreamed of by the Fullness, with 2nd Order Powers mixing together with the Deficiency of the Fall.
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, Podcasts
Episode 6 Second Order Powers and Units of Consciousness
With great zeal, Those of the Remembrance pitted themselves against Those of the Imitation.
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, Podcasts
Episode 5 The Deficiency and Boundary
The Fall gave rise to a boundary that separated those who had remained with the Father from the Imitations that spilled forth from the fallen Logos.
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, Podcasts
Episode 4 Fullness, Fractals, and the Fall
The final Aeon, named Logos, held all of the traits of the other Aeons within his design as fractals within his body.
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, Podcasts
Episode 3 Aeons and the Pleroma
This episode is all about how the Fullness became a huge number of Self-Aware Aeons that sorted themselves into the hierarchy of the Pleroma. If…
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, Podcasts
Episode 2 The Father, The Son, and The ALL
This episode introduces you to the basic consciousness that forms the basis of our consciousness. This consciousness is known as The Father, or The God…