Gnostic Insights Podcasts
Cyd Ropp explains basic Gnostic ideas, often narrated while walking the dog.
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, New Gnostic Gospel Simply Explained & Illustrated
How Best To Thrive
I looked up magnanimity, just to make sure I knew exactly what it means. And it means “the quality of being magnanimous, greatness of mind, elevation or dignity of soul. That quality or combination of qualities in character, which enables one to encounter danger and trouble with tranquility and firmness, to disdain injustice, meanness and revenge, and to act and sacrifice for noble objects.” Another definition says, “magnanimity is the virtue of being great of mind and heart. It encompasses usually a refusal to be petty, a willingness to face danger, and actions for noble purposes.”
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, New Gnostic Gospel Simply Explained & Illustrated
Defeating the Elementals and Archons
Your body needs you, needs its controlling unit of consciousness, which is the most developed part of its galaxy of consciousness that is your body. You need to be aware of what’s going on. You need to be a wise and loving ruler to this galaxy that makes up your body.
If you don’t, the body takes control. And that’s how the lusts of the flesh take over. And people feel that they’re out of control because they are, because they’ve never exercised control over their body. But you don’t do it by willpower because willpower can fade. You have to do it by going upward and asking for the power of the Anointed to give you the power to control. -
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, New Gnostic Gospel Simply Explained & Illustrated
Fractals of Colossians
The third order of Power will come and overlay your second order Powers, just bringing them light and love, comfort and knowledge, just bringing you the gnosis that you have forgotten, and once you let it in, you’ll recognize it. You’ll be lighted up from within. And like I was saying, if it’s not true, as in Pascal’s wager, Pascal said, look, what have you got to lose? If it’s not true, then what have you got to lose? Big deal. You won’t know about it because you’ll be blinked out into nothingness like you thought you’d be all along, so you won’t be there. It won’t matter. But if you do ask the Christ to come in and redeem your life, you’ll be opening the door—that’s the key. You’re born again. You have gnosis.
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, New Gnostic Gospel Simply Explained & Illustrated
The Universal Hierarchy pt. 2
Many ancient Gnostic texts say that Sophia mated with the Demiurge to produce the living creatures of our universe. Another way of saying this is that dead matter is imbued with life and consciousness at the point where it emerges from the zero-point field at the center of the Universal Unit of Consciousness. Every living thing has its life force attached to the “mud” of its body at the point of conception. It is the consciousness given by the Father through the actions of Sophia melding with the otherwise dead material produced by the Demiurge that brings life to our universe.
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, New Gnostic Gospel Simply Explained & Illustrated
The Universal Hierarchy
We will return to the ethereal plane. However, we’re going through this earthly manifestation experiencing materialism. It’s different than the ethereal plane. It resembles the ethereal plane, but it is ”fallen.” It’s at a slower rate of vibration. It’s dense and thick and confusing. And so it’s very hard to remember Gnosis when we’re in this state. In Gnostic terms, as well as traditional Judaic and Christian terms, the Son is a piece of the Father. The Son contains the ALL. The Son contains all of the characteristics of the originating consciousness in a contained and discrete form. The Son is what we now call a perfect fractal of the entirety of the Father. The Son is like the bucket dipped into the limitless sea of consciousness, and it contains exactly the same ocean water of consciousness that the Father contains.
This aspect of Judaism and Christianity was cut out of the canonical texts of the Bible by the Emperor Constantine and Pope Clement during the Nicene Council’s packaging of Christianity for the Empire of Rome. The Pleroma of the Aeons was well known to the Jews during the time of Jesus, and it survives in the New Testament as various references to Aeons, but those Aeons have been interpreted through the Latin as ages, and this has caused a long-standing misinterpretation of Aeons as units of time, rather than units of consciousness.
There’s only one bucket that dips into that limitless sea, and that is the Son. The Son is the only emanation from the originating Father. The Aeons are facets that emerge from the Son, each different from one another. The Aeons are like individual rays of the sun. Together, they form the totality of the Son. The Aeons sit together in perfect harmony in a state known as the Fullness of God, also called the Pleroma. -
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, New Gnostic Gospel Simply Explained & Illustrated
We Are In the Cosmos, Not Of the Cosmos
And I have given to them the glory you have given me, that they may be One just as we are One. I am in them and you in me, that they may be brought to completion in One, so that the cosmos might know that you sent me forth and loved them just as you loved me. Father, I wish that they too, those you have given to me, might be with me where I am, that they might see my glory which you have given me, because you loved me before the foundation of the cosmos. Righteous Father, the cosmos also did not know you, but I knew you, and these know you have sent me forth. And your name I have made known and will make known to them, so that the love with which you have loved me may be in them, and I in them also.
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, New Gnostic Gospel Simply Explained & Illustrated
Why Is There Suffering in the World
We are the children of the Aeons. We are the Second Order Powers birthed from the First Order Powers—the Aeons. So all of the attributes of the Aeons, which is to say that all of the attributes of the Son of God, come down to us, but we are an iteration. We are further, further down. So we have free will. There’s no doubt about that. But our free will that came to us in conception, along with love, life, and remembrance, our free will is constantly being jammed up by the demiurge, because the demiurge doesn’t understand free will. The demiurge thinks that free will is a mess, is chaos, is unruly. And it’s the job of the demiurge to control everything.
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, New Gnostic Gospel Simply Explained & Illustrated
A Simple Explanation of the Gnostic Gospel Is Here
The Tripartite Tractate says there’s a reason that the Father set it up so that we are drawn into the material world, and yet we are disappointed and never satisfied by the material world. And that disappointment and lack of satisfaction is so that the material will have a weak hold on us, so that when we pass out of this mortal existence, we can immediately return back into the Fullness of God.
So, God isn’t going to throw you away, even if you are a sinful person, although it breaks everyone’s heart if you are living a sinful life. It’s a very, very sad thing for your Aeonic parents. They’re not ashamed of you—they are so sad on your behalf. So throw off those coils. Back off the demiurge. Come to the truth. Come to the light.
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, New Gnostic Gospel Simply Explained & Illustrated
Pascal’s Wager
Best known of his ideas is Pascal’s Wager, and here is how it goes. Facing uncertainty in a game of life with such high stakes, he argued, it makes far more sense to believe in God’s existence than to not.
“If you gain, you gain all. If you lose, you lose nothing. Wager, then, without hesitation, that He is.”
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, New Gnostic Gospel Simply Explained & Illustrated
What Is Gnosis?
If I love my dog, I ought to love my neighbor, my human neighbor. But I really love my dog with affection, right? My human neighbor, maybe not so much. Maybe they irritate me. Maybe they have a political sign posted on their lawn that I think is just horrible. But I’m called to love them. And how can I do that? The only way to love them is to take my ego off of the throne, off of the center of my considerations, off of the center of my unit of consciousness, and remember to re-enthrone Christ.
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, New Gnostic Gospel Simply Explained & Illustrated
As Above, So Below pt. 2
Our mission is to bring love into the world and to ultimately remind the Demiurge of its origins in the Fullness above. The Demiurge doesn’t know this, of course, and it thinks we are simply more material for it to control. It doesn’t know we are conscious, and it thinks we are chaotic because it does not understand the free will we bring into creation.
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, New Gnostic Gospel Simply Explained & Illustrated
As Above, So Below
Remember, the Demiurge does not know love and has no affection for humans and their pesky free will, whereas the Father and the Fullnesses love us and passed along free will as a God-given part of our 2nd Order nature.
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, New Gnostic Gospel Simply Explained & Illustrated
Are People Inherently Evil?
So, we do not have an inherent sin nature. We are children of the Aeons of God. We are children of the Fullness, and it’s actually an insult to the Fullness and to the Son of God to say that their children—for are we not the children of God? Are we not brothers and sisters of Jesus?—it’s a big insult to the Aeons and the angels and the Son of God that made us to say that we’re inherently evil. And it’s not because we fell. The Fall was instigated long before the humans came along. The Fall is the nature of our material universe, that’s all. It’s basically metaphorical language for moving from a different realm, a different home—from the ethereal non-material space of heaven, we might call it, or the Fullness of God.
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, New Gnostic Gospel Simply Explained & Illustrated
Redeeming the Demiurge
The redeemed Pleroma of Logos, redeemed by the Christ, is the final resting place for the Demiurge once it remembers and recognizes its brothers in the Fullness and the Father of them all through the power of Christ, because it took that power of Christ coming in to this material world through us in order for the Demiurge to remember. The Third Order of Powers is called the aeon, the place, the thought of the Logos who returned to his stability. It’s known also as the synagogue of salvation, the storehouse, the bride, the kingdom, the church, the image of the light. It is set above the Second Order and the deficiency. It has the form of matter, but the constitution of the Christ, each one containing the Pleroma of the All.
These are the manifest images of the living visages, not arising from division, but from the unity of the aeons of the Father and the good original thought that existed prior to the rise of ego. While the Second Order Powers, us, each arose at the countenance of a single aeon, the Third Order Powers are in harmony and resemble the entire assembly of indivisible light.
Father, Son, ALL–Love Unfolding
The Father’s basic consciousness is not thoughts, but rather love, the sensation of knowing what we call love. So this consciousness simply is, without time, without any prior existence, unchangeable, unmovable, without beginning, without end, utterly quiet, utterly still, utterly alone. This Father is often described as all-knowing, but what is there to know? All-seeing, but what is there to see? All-loving, but what is there to love? Omnipotent wisdom, will, but to what end? There’s nothing there.
Now imagine that this consciousness gives birth to a emanation of itself. In the Simple Explanation blog, we call this a fractal. In the religious texts, they call it a Son.