Reminder for Saturday’s Zoom Meeting

Hope to see you there! Cyd Ropp is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Gnostic Insights Zoom MeetingTime: Jan 18, 2025 08:00 AM…

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Gnostic Insights Podcasts

Cyd Ropp explains basic Gnostic ideas, often narrated while walking the dog.

  • Thumbnail for Overcoming Death

    Overcoming Death

    It’s best not to wait until death to discover your gnosis. This is the actual reason to pursue gnosis or to meditate upon the Father or to pray to the Son or to your personal deity, Jesus Christ. You prepare to transcend death while your body is still alive. Do remember that it is not through our act but through the Christ’s act that we are saved. The Christ has done its job; all Second Order Powers will return to the heavenly realm above. We are all redeemed. We will all return to some form of Paradise, but it may take you a while to get there if you don’t believe that.

  • Thumbnail for Our Hylic Third

    Our Hylic Third

    We are eternal life and consciousness. We do not die; we return home to the ethereal realm. Our bodies do not die either, for they were never alive to begin with. We need not mourn the passing of the hylic particles, for we are returning to eternal consciousness and they were merely shadows of the Fall.

  • Thumbnail for The Tripartite Nature of Humanity

    The Tripartite Nature of Humanity

    “To those who belong to the remembrance, however, he revealed the thought of which he had stripped himself with the intention that it should draw them into a communion with the material.”

  • Thumbnail for Gnostic Psychology part 4–Meme dropping

    Gnostic Psychology part 4–Meme dropping

    Your karma and your meme bundles pretty much determine how much gnosis you’re able to tap into. In our earthly realm we have generated a lot of memes, and the Demiurge has generated vices to counteract every Aeonic virtue. Vices are always demiurgic and are designed to entrap you and lead you away from gnosis. Vices are always built upon lies. And the problem with human-generated memes is that some of them are true and some of them aren’t true. Some of them are lies and some of them are hurtful, whereas the information that comes down to us directly from the Fullness of God, the gnosis, is all true. It’s all helpful, it’s all loving, it’s all good.

  • Thumbnail for Human Nature–Gnostic Psychology part 3 Ideologies and Worldviews

    Human Nature–Gnostic Psychology part 3 Ideologies and Worldviews

    Our worldview, or ideology, is the larger frame through which we view the world. We humans are built to make sense of the world around us. When things don’t make sense, we feel puzzled, lost, even frightened or depressed. We humans all need to believe in something—anything. I would say it’s in the nature of us Second Order Powers, because we were created as reasonable beings. A worldview is the scaffolding upon which we hang our observations and expectations. It is a very big framework because we need to be able to make some sense of the world in order to discern our reason for living.

  • Thumbnail for Human Nature–Gnostic Psychology part 2

    Human Nature–Gnostic Psychology part 2

    First and foremost, each of our Selfs is an almost identical fractal of the Fullness of God. But, as is the case with DNA, although our master pattern is identical, not every facet is activated to the same extent in everyone, and the facets that are activated are turned on in different relative strengths. These facets of the Fullness are what we call the Aeons of the Fullness. Each Aeon represents a particular talent, name, function, power, and so forth, of the Son. If you imagine that golden pyramid I use to illustrate the Fullness, our unique personality reflects a slightly different pattern overlaid upon those glowing, golden balls. It’s like a stencil overlaid on top of the fractal Fullness—each one of us has a slightly different stencil obscuring the Fullness that allows a unique pattern of lights to show through.

  • Thumbnail for Human Nature–Gnostic Psychology

    Human Nature–Gnostic Psychology

    The more we identify with the Fullness and our One Self, the less we identify with our Ego and our memes. The more we practice the values of the Fullness known as virtues, the less inclined we are to practice the values of the fallen Demiurge—the vices. And, ultimately, our release from all earthly karma and memes takes place as a gift given to us by the redeeming nature of the Christ, who frees our Self to return to its Aeonic home above once we stop holding onto all temptations that this realm presents to us.

  • Thumbnail for Embrace Virtue

    Embrace Virtue

    We humans are fractal iterations of the Aeons of the Fullness. We are their fruit. We have dim memories of a perfect Paradise, as dreamt by the Fullness. We have a built-in longing for Fullness. We barely remember the Son and the Father, other than an expectation of feeling loved or that we should be loved, and we are locked into an endless war with the dark side of our natures and with other people who stand in our way.

  • Thumbnail for Army of the Christ

    Army of the Christ

    “Not only did the aeons generate the countenance of the Father to whom they gave praise, … but also they generated their own; for the aeons who give glory generated their countenance and their face. They were produced as an army for him, as for a king, since the beings of the thought have a powerful fellowship and an intermingled harmony. They came forth in a multifaceted form, in order that the one to whom help was to be given might see those to whom he had prayed for help. He also sees the one who gave it to him.”

  • Thumbnail for Christ and the Third Order Powers

    Christ and the Third Order Powers

    “Then from the harmony, in a joyous willingness which had come into being, they brought forth the fruit, which was a begetting from the harmony, a unity, a possession of the Totalities, revealing the countenance of the Father, of whom the aeons thought as they gave glory and prayed for help for their brother with a wish in which the Father counted himself with them. Thus, it was willingly and gladly that they bring forth the fruit.” The Gnostic Gospel calls this new fruit the Christ.

  • Thumbnail for Neverending War

    Neverending War

    Whereas those of the deficiency arose from the egoic thought that led Logos to overreach and fall, “those of the remembrance” arose from Logos having the good thought of the Father and the Fullness. Those of the deficiency represent phantoms and confusion, whereas the new fruit, the Second Order Powers, represent the virtues of the ALL and life that emanates through the Holy Spirit of the Father. These Second Order Powers were fruited one by one and sent down to populate the space within the Boundary in order to bring life and love into the chaos and confusion.

  • Thumbnail for Second Order Powers–The New Pleroma of Logos

    Second Order Powers–The New Pleroma of Logos

    When Logos turned away from the presumptuous thought and began to remember the Fullness and the Father, he generated a new fractal Pleroma within himself that contained all of the images of the beings of thought. Only this time, since Logos was within the Boundary when he remembered the Fullness and the Father, his new Pleroma was fitted into the Boundary. This differed from the original Pleroma of Logos that Fell and deserted him because this Pleroma was able to work within the Boundary with reason and purpose, unlike the imitations of the deficiency who lacked the Father’s consciousness and the ability to pull themselves out of chaos.

  • Thumbnail for The Demiurge and the Boundary

    The Demiurge and the Boundary

    Logos appointed an Archon to bring order to the chaos. This Archon is what we call the Demiurge. The Demiurge is able to control matter. “The things which he has spoken he does.” The book of Genesis attributes these actions of the Demiurge to Jehovah when it says, “God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.”
    The Demiurge is in charge of the mud, the material, the hard rocky places–at the small scale the dirt and the elements, and at the large scale the rocky planets and the stars in the heavens. If there are creatures on a planet, they coat the outside of the dead rocky planet. Life only comes from the Father. Life is top-down.

  • Thumbnail for The Fall and the Deficiency

    The Fall and the Deficiency

    Logos had not realized the impossibility of approaching the illimitable consciousness of the Father. Logos could “not attain him,” because the Father “did not receive him.” Because of his self-exaltation, another good synonym for ego, Logos fully expected to reach the Father and to reproduce his own glorious reflection that would populate a new Paradise of emanations based upon himself. In other words, Ego’s opinion was not based on reality or truth, only his high opinion of his own capabilities. Abandoning the Aeonic rules and his brothers in the Fullness, Logos “went beyond himself” and this overreach brought the sickness of self-doubt onto his soul.

  • Thumbnail for Logos—His Birth, Inheritance, and Fall

    Logos—His Birth, Inheritance, and Fall

    The final Aeon, Logos, found himself sitting on top of the Hierarchy of the Fullness. And, since he contained within himself a copy of all of the other Aeons, he became confused as to his proper role and function and he mistook his own will for the will of the Fullness. Sitting up there on top, Logos had no other Aeons as his direct neighbors on either side, unlike all of the other Aeons within the great pyramidal shape that forms the Hierarchy. Nor was there any Aeon stationed above his location. Logos was positionally exalted above his peers, as if he were the King of the Hierarchy. There was no one and no thing above him other than the Father. Logos overreached and Fell.