Salvation, Jehovah, and the Demiurge

This episode explains the gnostic belief in universal salvation of all living creatures–considered one of the great heresies of Gnosticism. As if that weren’t enough heresy for one episode, we also explain the nature of God and the difference between the God of the Hebrew’s Old Testament and the God Above All Gods of the Gnostic scriptures. When Jesus referred to “my father in Heaven,” who was He referring to?

Logos crowns the Fullness
The Fullness of God is a hierarchical arrangement of Aeons. The final Aeon added to the top of the Fullness was named Logos, and Logos carried within itself small fractals of all the other Aeons.
The pyramid atop the Fullness
The final Aeon mistakes himself for the Fullness.
The final Aeon tries to reunite with the Father on his own, but Falls out of the Fullness instead and breaks apart. The best part of Logos retreats back to the ethereal Fullness. The part that is left behind in the material plane is called the Demiurge.