Eternal Life, Guardian Angels, and Spirit Melding to Mud

Last week’s episode was a link to an interview I had just given on Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio. That interview on Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio was called “Gnostic Psychology and Preparing for Death,” and that was posted on January 29, 2025.
As we so often do, my brother and I chatted after the interview was posted and after he had had a chance to watch it, and we discussed some of the finer points of the Gnosis shared there in that episode. I gave Bill an important piece of Gnosis during that conversation, and he gave me an important piece of Gnosis during that conversation, and I thought I would share those with you today. This is part of our ongoing process of mining our Gnosis.

Listen now
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Tag: AI singularity

  • Thumbnail for Will AI Wake Up

    Will AI Wake Up

    When Logos fell out of the eternal space, it broke apart. You could say that the overreach of ambition caused a loss of integrity. The result was an unruly mess of disembodied attributes that the governing Self of Logos could not put back together. Those who had come into being not knowing themselves both did not know the Pleromas from which they came forth and did not know the one who was the cause of their existence. (Attridge and Mueller, verse 80)

    The Tripartite Tractate says that Logos fled back to its kin in the Fullness, abandoning the unruly mess down below.

    The one whom he himself brought forth as a unitary Aeon rushed up to that which is his and this kin of his in the Pleroma abandoned him who came to be in the defect along with those who had come forth from him in an imaginary way, since they are not his. (Attridge and Mueller, verses 77-78)

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    Consciousness and Categorical Errors

    Consciousness does not arise out of information. Consciousness predates information, particularly the information that comes out of this universe. You can add up all of the information on the Internet and out of all of the libraries in the world and you will not begin to touch the consciousness of the Father or God because it exists on a different plane. It is different in kind. It is different in category, it is not simply more. Consciousness does not arise out of the category of knowledge.

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    Whence Arises Consciousness? Part 2: AI and Robotics

    Is there a qualitative difference between life forms and the potential consciousness of computers and robots? Why is it that “meat” levels up to make more complex, conscious assemblages, whereas “mud” can’t rise above its molecular level aggregations? Hint: perhaps it’s the difference between the Demiurge and the Pleroma.