Gnosis, Gurus, and Meditation

and a conversation with Bill Welcome back to Gnostic Insights. The first half of this episode is about choosing the higher road to find your…

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Tag: Bardos

  • Thumbnail for The Gnostic Christ

    The Gnostic Christ

    The reckoning is self reflexive—from your ego for the benefit of your Self. It is your own egoic consciousness feeling regret for its past deeds. And the point of the reckoning and repentance isn’t punishment—it’s not a spanking by God. It’s for you to realize the harm you have done to yourself and others during this sojourn in material life, in order to strip off those egoic memes and rejoin the Aeons in the Fullness. Remember, the ethereal plane is separated from the darkness below by a Boundary. We need to leave the darkness behind in order to rise above. We don’t strip off our egos—we retain our identities—but we do strip off the pernicious lies and memes that have kept us bound to the cosmos.

  • Thumbnail for Tibetan Book of the Dead

    Tibetan Book of the Dead

    The Tibetan Book of the Dead is an ancient manuscript that presents gnosis from an eastern perspective. In this episode, Cyd shows the parallels between gnosticism and Tibetan Buddhist thought. There is much to discover here that you will find helpful to remembering your gnosis.