e-book giveaway this weekend

Hey folks. I’m running a free e-book giveaway this weekend, March 8, 9, and 10. Just go to amazon.com and choose the free kindle promotion…

Listen now
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Tag: early Christianity

  • Thumbnail for Beatitudes of Jesus, Book of Mark

    Beatitudes of Jesus, Book of Mark

    Welcome back to Gnostic Insights. You know, this podcast is an odd space where it’s both Gnostic and Christian, because what I’m teaching is what…

  • Thumbnail for Universal Salvation pt 3

    Universal Salvation pt 3

    The idea that the God Above All Gods would condemn people to everlasting torment with no goal other than eternal punishment makes no moral or logical sense. It goes against the very nature of a loving and just God.

  • Thumbnail for A Simple Explanation of the Gnostic Gospel Is Here

    A Simple Explanation of the Gnostic Gospel Is Here

    The Tripartite Tractate says there’s a reason that the Father set it up so that we are drawn into the material world, and yet we are disappointed and never satisfied by the material world. And that disappointment and lack of satisfaction is so that the material will have a weak hold on us, so that when we pass out of this mortal existence, we can immediately return back into the Fullness of God.

    So, God isn’t going to throw you away, even if you are a sinful person, although it breaks everyone’s heart if you are living a sinful life. It’s a very, very sad thing for your Aeonic parents. They’re not ashamed of you—they are so sad on your behalf. So throw off those coils. Back off the demiurge. Come to the truth. Come to the light.

  • Thumbnail for Father, Son, ALL–Love Unfolding

    Father, Son, ALL–Love Unfolding

    The Father’s basic consciousness is not thoughts, but rather love, the sensation of knowing what we call love. So this consciousness simply is, without time, without any prior existence, unchangeable, unmovable, without beginning, without end, utterly quiet, utterly still, utterly alone. This Father is often described as all-knowing, but what is there to know? All-seeing, but what is there to see? All-loving, but what is there to love? Omnipotent wisdom, will, but to what end? There’s nothing there.
    Now imagine that this consciousness gives birth to a emanation of itself. In the Simple Explanation blog, we call this a fractal. In the religious texts, they call it a Son.

  • Thumbnail for Gnostic Cosmos Origin Story

    Gnostic Cosmos Origin Story

    To church folks this will initially sound like heresy, while to non-believers it will sound too churchy. To those folks who have fallen away from the church because they can’t reconcile inconsistencies between the Old and the New Testament, it will come as a welcome relief. And to those people who have never believed in God, this version of Christianity may be exactly what they haven’t been expecting and didn’t realize they were hoping for.

  • Thumbnail for John Munter Interview Part 2

    John Munter Interview Part 2

    This week we’ll hear part two of my interview with gnostic John Munter. He’s a follower of the Gospel of Thomas, which is one of the more popular gnostic books. John offers a unique method of interpreting the Gospel of Thomas.

  • Thumbnail for Easter Message, 2022

    Easter Message, 2022

    The Christ has never fallen. The Christ didn’t fall. The Christ was a new fruit that came after the Second Order of Powers. The Christ came down voluntarily in order to save creation and return the entirety back up to the Fullness of God.

  • Thumbnail for Valentinian Theology Review

    Valentinian Theology Review

    This episode discusses some of the differences and similarities between Gnosticism and Christianity and suggests that this Gnostic theology is what Jesus of Nazareth actually taught. Who is God? What is the original sin? Who and what is the Christ? Are you and your loved ones going to Heaven?