e-book giveaway this weekend

Hey folks. I’m running a free e-book giveaway this weekend, March 8, 9, and 10. Just go to amazon.com and choose the free kindle promotion…

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Tag: free will

  • Thumbnail for Free Will Is Essential 2024

    Free Will Is Essential 2024

    Free will is the core of our being. It was the free will of Logos that caused him to leave the Fullness in the Fall. It was the free will of the restored Logos and the Totalities that created us Second-Order Powers. And it is the free will of the Powers, by way of our aeonic inheritance, that directs our lives here below. It is our own free will that causes us to forget about the Father and the Fullness of God from which we come. It is our own free will that allows us to bow to the rule of the Demiurge and dig our own graves. Because of the nature of free will, we turn to an outside source to assist us in our remembrance and salvation. This Aeon is known as the Christ.

  • Thumbnail for Universal Salvation pt. 2

    Universal Salvation pt. 2

    Even Mr. Spock would find it logical for a human to pursue the good in its own best interests, and that it is illogical, illogical all the way to insanity, to refuse the good, to refuse what is best for you. It’s a manifestation of insanity, to refuse the love of God.
    I’ve noticed that many modern people seem to think of God as a yin-yang type of completion, that is, where evil balances good, where darkness is necessary to balance light, where the purpose of humanity, or what happens here in humanity, is that we are instantiating strife and struggle and evil for the teaching of God, for the completion of God. That is not right. That’s wrong theology, folks. Our God is all goodness, and there is no evil that emanates from God.

  • Thumbnail for Why Is There Suffering in the World

    Why Is There Suffering in the World

    We are the children of the Aeons. We are the Second Order Powers birthed from the First Order Powers—the Aeons. So all of the attributes of the Aeons, which is to say that all of the attributes of the Son of God, come down to us, but we are an iteration. We are further, further down. So we have free will. There’s no doubt about that. But our free will that came to us in conception, along with love, life, and remembrance, our free will is constantly being jammed up by the demiurge, because the demiurge doesn’t understand free will. The demiurge thinks that free will is a mess, is chaos, is unruly. And it’s the job of the demiurge to control everything.

  • Thumbnail for Free Will. What is it? Do you have it?

    Free Will. What is it? Do you have it?

    Everything that is living, everything that is alive, everything that’s gestated and is born into this world is a Second Order power. And we come directly from the Fullness. We bring down the remembrance of the God Above All Gods. We bring down with us the remembrance of love and glory and our aeonic parents who are in heaven. So we have all of these memories that the Demiurge doesn’t even know about. And what else did we bring down with us? We brought down the free will of the Aeons and the ALL and the Son because we are of that direct lineage that flows downward into this material universe.

  • Thumbnail for Free Will Is Essential

    Free Will Is Essential

    Free will is at the core of our being. It was the free will of Logos that caused him to leave the Fullness and fall. It was the free will of the restored Logos and the Totalities that created the Second Order Powers. And it is the free will of the Powers, by way of our Aeonic inheritance, that directs ours lives here below. It is our own free will that causes us to forget about the Father and the Fullness of God from which we come. It is our own free will that allows us to bow to the rule of the Demiurge and dig our own graves. Because of the nature of free will, we turn to an outside source to assist our remembrance and salvation. This Aeon is known as the Christ–the Son of the Father’s will and of the good pleasure of the ALL.

  • Thumbnail for Units of Conciousness–Our Aeonic Inheritance

    Units of Conciousness–Our Aeonic Inheritance

    Our personalities reflect our heavenly or Aeonic inheritance, and that includes both our Self and our originating Egos. It is our Egos that go about this world interfacing with others and collecting memes. Our Egos are all different, whereas our Selfs are all the same. My Ego is only concerned with me, because that is the job of Ego—to take care of and serve the needs of my body. This function of Ego is selfish, but not inherently bad, naughty, or evil; it’s the Ego doing its job.

  • Thumbnail for Logos–Ego Led Him Astray

    Logos–Ego Led Him Astray

    It is a unique feature of the Tripartite Tractate that the book does not describe the Fall in terms of sin and blame, but rather as an event that was destined to come about in order to usher in a “new economy” that differed from the ethereal Pleroma where the Aeons dwell. This is our archetypal story, our pre-history as fruit of the Aeons.

  • Thumbnail for Free Will, Redemption, and the Economies

    Free Will, Redemption, and the Economies

    Free will is at the core of our being. It was the free will of Logos that caused him to leave the Fullness and fall. It was the free will of the restored Logos and the Totalities that created the Second Order Powers. And it is the free will of the Powers, by way of our Aeonic inheritance, that directs ours lives here below. It is our own free will that causes us to forget about the Father and the Fullness of God from which we come. It is our own free will that allows us to bow to the rule of the Demiurge and dig our own graves. Because of the nature of free will, we turn to an outside source to assist our remembrance and salvation. This Aeon is known as the Christ.

  • Thumbnail for “Why Are We Here?” A Listener Question

    “Why Are We Here?” A Listener Question

    Why did the Fullness of God find it necessary to create the Second Order of Powers and send them (us) down here to redeem the demiurge? Why wasn’t the demiurge simply abandoned after the Fall?

  • Thumbnail for Consciousness and Free Will

    Consciousness and Free Will

    Every unit of consciousness has the free will to fulfill or contradict its responsibilities. The more complex the unit of consciousness, the more opportunities it has to exercise free will.