Tongues of Fire–the Coming of the Holy Spirit

Jesus was the first of the human Second Order Powers who to be anointed by the Holy Spirit. Of course, Jesus is more than a Second Order Power. He’s always been the manifestation of a Second Order Power plus the Third Order of Powers. And we call that the Christ. We say Jesus Christ, but he’s actually called Jesus the Anointed, and the anointing was the Holy Spirit. To be anointed signifies a special set-apart status for fulfilling a particular purpose or calling. And the calling of Jesus was to round us all up and bring us home.

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Tag: Gnostic Christianity

  • Thumbnail for Tongues of Fire–the Coming of the Holy Spirit

    Tongues of Fire–the Coming of the Holy Spirit

    Jesus was the first of the human Second Order Powers who to be anointed by the Holy Spirit. Of course, Jesus is more than a Second Order Power. He’s always been the manifestation of a Second Order Power plus the Third Order of Powers. And we call that the Christ. We say Jesus Christ, but he’s actually called Jesus the Anointed, and the anointing was the Holy Spirit. To be anointed signifies a special set-apart status for fulfilling a particular purpose or calling. And the calling of Jesus was to round us all up and bring us home.

  • Thumbnail for Gnostic Christmas–Alleluia!

    Gnostic Christmas–Alleluia!

    The Christ came to Earth in the form of a Son of Man to bring the Third Order of Powers to Earth as the solution to overcoming the phantoms of the Imitation that have mired the Second Order Powers in error and ignorance. Those who have eyes to see the Christ are able to remember their Father in Heaven. Those who remember their Father in Heaven and repent from the Imitation are redeemed. In the Gnostic Gospel, redemption comes to all of creation through the incarnation of the Son of God into the body of the Son of Man. The manner of the Savior’s birth, death, and resurrection will come to every soul as they realize their Father is in Heaven and to Heaven they will return. For, as it says, “every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord” (Philippians 2:10). It just takes time. We aren’t there yet because of the common delusion of presumptuous thought, which causes people to behave selfishly.

  • Thumbnail for Defeating the Elementals and Archons

    Defeating the Elementals and Archons

    Your body needs you, needs its controlling unit of consciousness, which is the most developed part of its galaxy of consciousness that is your body. You need to be aware of what’s going on. You need to be a wise and loving ruler to this galaxy that makes up your body.
    If you don’t, the body takes control. And that’s how the lusts of the flesh take over. And people feel that they’re out of control because they are, because they’ve never exercised control over their body. But you don’t do it by willpower because willpower can fade. You have to do it by going upward and asking for the power of the Anointed to give you the power to control.

  • Thumbnail for What Is Gnosis?

    What Is Gnosis?

    If I love my dog, I ought to love my neighbor, my human neighbor. But I really love my dog with affection, right? My human neighbor, maybe not so much. Maybe they irritate me. Maybe they have a political sign posted on their lawn that I think is just horrible. But I’m called to love them. And how can I do that? The only way to love them is to take my ego off of the throne, off of the center of my considerations, off of the center of my unit of consciousness, and remember to re-enthrone Christ.

  • Thumbnail for The Gnostic Gospel Illuminated

    The Gnostic Gospel Illuminated

    Here’s a treat for you. This is the entire Gnostic Gospel Illuminated book read by the author, Cyd Ropp. This is the little book published in 2019 that was the springboard for all of the gnostic work that followed, including this podcast and the new, much longer, book that is about to be released.

    This is the simplest presentation of gnosis that you will ever find. Only the essential gnosis was included. It is all based upon the Tripartite Tractate of the Nag Hammadi texts. The gnosis you will find here is the type of gnosis that proceeds from an initial thought–the first thought of the Originating Source. That thought then flows outward and through a few levels downward until it manifests within all of us living creatures here in the cosmos. There are no fables in this gnosis–only the reasonable outflow of the path of consciousness. This is the story of consciousness.

  • Thumbnail for As Above, So Below: Children of the Aeons of God

    As Above, So Below: Children of the Aeons of God

    We need to understand this entire run of the gnostic cosmology in order to understand the nature of human beings, because in Simple Explanation terms, we humans are fractal representations of the entirety of creation. This is the meaning of that expression: as above so below.

  • Thumbnail for Gnostic Christmas–Alleluia!

    Gnostic Christmas–Alleluia!

    The Christ came to Earth in the form of a Son of Man to bring the Third Order of Powers to Earth as the solution to overcoming the phantoms of the Imitation that have mired the Second Order Powers in error and ignorance. Those who have eyes to see the Christ are able to remember their Father in Heaven. Those who remember their Father in Heaven and repent from the Imitation are redeemed. In the Gnostic Gospel, redemption comes to all of creation through the incarnation of the Son of God into the body of the Son of Man. The manner of the Savior’s birth, death, and resurrection will come to every soul as they realize their Father is in Heaven and to Heaven they will return. For, as it says, “every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord” (Philippians 2:10). It just takes time. We aren’t there yet because of the common delusion of presumptuous thought, which causes people to behave selfishly.

  • Thumbnail for Finding Gnosis, Finding God

    Finding Gnosis, Finding God

    The God Above All Gods wants to be known. This God wants us to know we are loved.

  • Thumbnail for There’s too much confusion

    There’s too much confusion

    This week’s episode is about confusion versus simplicity. Our God is not a god of confusion, but of peace. If you find yourself becoming more and more confused when studying gnostic scriptures and books about gnosticism, it’s possible you are heading down the wrong rabbit trails. We don’t need to learn how historical gnostics practiced their religion. We don’t need to memorize arcane diagrams and rituals. All we need to do is remember the gnosis that is already within us. Anything more than that may be leading to confusion rather than clarity. And if you find yourself becoming disillusioned and disheartened, then what you’re learning is likely demiurgic and not gnosis.

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    The Truth About Eternal Damnation

    Those who have not accepted the forgiveness and redemption of the Christ do indeed suffer when they pass away from this life. This suffering is not handed down by an angry God but is rather their own recognition and guilt over their sins and shortcomings. The more sinful an unredeemed person is, the more they suffer when they die. The suffering comes from their own conscience as they see clearly the path of their ego-driven life and the true condition of their soul. After a period of denying their need for a Messiah to rescue them from this place where they have been set aside, they will call out to the Savior to rescue them. The moment they repent of all that they now see clearly as their accumulated faults, they will be redeemed.

  • Thumbnail for Not By Works

    Not By Works

    If you reject the Christ because you believe in the strength of your Ego more than the Christ’s, then you’re not on the glory beam. We need the pattern of Christ’s human inheritance plus the Father’s perfection and love to overlay upon our souls. This lends us the perfection of Christ that redeems us from the karma and memes we have generated. That is the only surefire way to achieve full enlightenment.

  • Thumbnail for Interview: Scott S. Smith, part 2

    Interview: Scott S. Smith, part 2

    Part Two of my interview with fellow Gnostic, Scott S. Smith. He attends the Ecclesia Gnostica Church in Los Angeles and regularly appears on Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio and a slew of other Gnostic podcasts. In this episode, we discuss reincarnation and Scott’s pragmatic approach to Gnosticism.

  • Thumbnail for Free Will Is Essential

    Free Will Is Essential

    Free will is at the core of our being. It was the free will of Logos that caused him to leave the Fullness and fall. It was the free will of the restored Logos and the Totalities that created the Second Order Powers. And it is the free will of the Powers, by way of our Aeonic inheritance, that directs ours lives here below. It is our own free will that causes us to forget about the Father and the Fullness of God from which we come. It is our own free will that allows us to bow to the rule of the Demiurge and dig our own graves. Because of the nature of free will, we turn to an outside source to assist our remembrance and salvation. This Aeon is known as the Christ–the Son of the Father’s will and of the good pleasure of the ALL.

  • Thumbnail for Fear Not–We Are Going Home

    Fear Not–We Are Going Home

    “Know thyself” was an important maxim in ancient Greece. “Know thyself” refers to your big S Self. Knowing your Self puts you in alignment with the Fullness and the Father. By mining your gnosis now, and meditating upon the Father, the Son, and the Christ, you prepare your Self to transcend death before you cross over.

  • Thumbnail for Kicking Cravings Through Gnosis

    Kicking Cravings Through Gnosis

    The values of the Demiurge lead to isolation and despair. The values of the Fullness lead to peace and joy. The memes you cling to affect your karma and pull you this way or that.
    This episode looks at the cravings that have taken you over and how to rid yourself of them, whether those cravings are for sex, drugs, social media, or whatever other forces are binding you.