Tag: Jesus Christ
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, New Gnostic Gospel Simply Explained & Illustrated
Gnosis, Gurus, and Meditation
and a conversation with Bill Welcome back to Gnostic Insights. The first half of this episode is about choosing the higher road to find your…
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, New Gnostic Gospel Simply Explained & Illustrated
Beatitudes of Jesus, Book of Mark
Welcome back to Gnostic Insights. You know, this podcast is an odd space where it’s both Gnostic and Christian, because what I’m teaching is what…
Virgin Birth–The Infancy Gospel of James
The date of this recording was Christmas Eve, 12-24-2021. I’m repeating this episode now because although not particularly “gnostic,” it does shed light on the…
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, New Gnostic Gospel Simply Explained & Illustrated
Gnostic Easter—He and We Are Risen!
The Christ is not exactly the same as the Son of God. Conventional Christianity has conflated the Son of God with the Christ and then with Jesus. They’ve put all three of these separate individuals into one unit. But we would say that the Son is the original monad out of the Father, from whence all consciousness emanates. But the Christ—he’s something else.
We Second Order Powers are the children of the Aeons. We are representations of the living images above. We’ve not been abandoned down here below, for, a new agreement among the Son, the Fullness, and Logos gave rise to a Third Order of Powers.
The First Order of Powers were the Aeons of the Fullness. We’re the Second Order of Powers. The Third Order of Powers is the Christ.
Each Third Order Power has the face of the Aeons as well as the face of the Son—the Father to whom they gave praise. “They came in a multifaceted form in order that the one to whom help was to be given might see those to whom he had prayed for help.”
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, Podcasts
Overcoming Death–Follow the Light
We Gnostics do not need to pass through layers of Hell in order to find redemption. Remember that the figure called the Christ has brought redemption to all of us. All you need to remember is that you come from the Father and the Fullness; Christ takes care of the rest.