Consciousness and Time: Our Cherry-Jello Universe and Free Will

This Cherry-Jello Universe hypothesis resolves the philosophical conundrum of how an all-knowing God can exist alongside subjects with free will.

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Tag: Logos

  • Thumbnail for The Logos of Life

    The Logos of Life

    You don’t want to go marching around in righteous indignation. You want to return to grace and righteousness—true righteousness. So the moment you recognize that the Demiurge has gotten you again, that’s called repentance. You say, oh, wait a minute, back off, and you return to righteousness. And every time you allow one of these small corrections to take place, it becomes easier and easier and the longer and longer you can allow the 3rd Order of Powers to sit on the throne of your Self.

  • Thumbnail for In the Origin, there was Logos

    In the Origin, there was Logos

    “In the origin there was the Logos and the Logos was present with GOD (the God Above All Gods) and the Logos was god. This one was present with GOD in the origin. All things came to be through him (Logos) and without him came not a single thing that has come to be. In him was life and this life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not conquer it.” (John 1:1-6)

  • Thumbnail for Ch. 5 from A Simple Explanation of the Gnostic Gospel of the Tripartite Tractate

    Ch. 5 from A Simple Explanation of the Gnostic Gospel of the Tripartite Tractate

    The division of the deeply troubled Logos was the first manifestation of Ego acting outside of the will of the One Self and the Fullness. The Fall was caused by an act of Ego falling away from the Self. The Tripartite Tractate calls this “presumptuous thought,” meaning going beyond what is right and proper. Egoic thought places the focus on one’s own desires without regard to others. Presumptuous thought is all about me, me, me. The Aeons of the Fullness are not me types of creatures. The Aeons all live for one another in perfect harmony.
    “Because of this, he suffered a division and a turning away. From the faltering and the division came oblivion and ignorance of oneself and which is” (verse 77).

    The “forgetfulness and ignorance of himself and of that which is” becomes a defining characteristic of the Ego’s relationship to the Self . This Ego, divided from its Self, has total amnesia of Logos, the Fullness, and the Father. It recognizes nothing but its own presumptuous thought.

  • Thumbnail for Ego, Fall, Deficiency

    Ego, Fall, Deficiency

    When Logos overreached because of presumptuous egoic thought and fell into the darkness that is ignorance, he shattered into a confusing jumble of disconnected parts. These pieces of the Shattered Aeon were sicknesses—small dark, ignorant, divided, roiling with chaos. They reflected neither the glory of the originals and the Fullness, nor the ecology of the hierarchy. Because they were no longer arranged in the pattern of the hierarchy, they forgot their functions and their names.

  • Thumbnail for Birth of the Demiurge

    Birth of the Demiurge

    What is the Demiurge and how did it come about? What was the presumptuous thought that led the youngest Aeon to overreach and fall and how does that relate to Self and Ego? Why would the Father set things up so that this Aeon could make a unilateral decision that resulted in the Fall? Was it a mistake? Did God cause this Aeon to create evil? How is such a thing even possible? Was it God’s will that it should fall?

  • Thumbnail for The Second Pleroma of Logos

    The Second Pleroma of Logos

    The Second Order of Powers is also known as “the emissions of the remembrance.” Emissions is another word for emanations, and it refers to the origin of our consciousness. The Second Order of Powers was named the emissions of the remembrance because they were emissions of Logos, so they channeled the consciousness of the Father. The Second Order Powers embody the originating consciousness of the Father, passed down through the Son and the Fullness of God and on into Logos as he remembered his place and origin. They are also called emissions of remembrance because the Self imbedded in every Second Order Power remembers that they come from the Father.

  • Thumbnail for The New Economy Arises–the Boundary and the Demiurge

    The New Economy Arises–the Boundary and the Demiurge

    As Logos retreated to its own in the Fullness, the Father placed a Boundary around the area containing that which had been produced as a consequence of the Fall. The purpose of this Boundary was to separate finitude from infinity, ignorance from truth, and light from darkness.
    Logos appointed an Archon to bring order to the chaos. This Archon is what we call the Demiurge. The Demiurge is able to control matter. “The things which he has spoken he does.” The Demiurge strictly controls everything in our material portion of the universe using strong strings of power, like a puppet master.

  • Thumbnail for The Tripartite Nature of Humanity

    The Tripartite Nature of Humanity

    “To those who belong to the remembrance, however, he revealed the thought of which he had stripped himself with the intention that it should draw them into a communion with the material.”

  • Thumbnail for Army of the Christ

    Army of the Christ

    “Not only did the aeons generate the countenance of the Father to whom they gave praise, … but also they generated their own; for the aeons who give glory generated their countenance and their face. They were produced as an army for him, as for a king, since the beings of the thought have a powerful fellowship and an intermingled harmony. They came forth in a multifaceted form, in order that the one to whom help was to be given might see those to whom he had prayed for help. He also sees the one who gave it to him.”

  • Thumbnail for Second Order Powers–The New Pleroma of Logos

    Second Order Powers–The New Pleroma of Logos

    When Logos turned away from the presumptuous thought and began to remember the Fullness and the Father, he generated a new fractal Pleroma within himself that contained all of the images of the beings of thought. Only this time, since Logos was within the Boundary when he remembered the Fullness and the Father, his new Pleroma was fitted into the Boundary. This differed from the original Pleroma of Logos that Fell and deserted him because this Pleroma was able to work within the Boundary with reason and purpose, unlike the imitations of the deficiency who lacked the Father’s consciousness and the ability to pull themselves out of chaos.

  • Thumbnail for The Fall and the Deficiency

    The Fall and the Deficiency

    Logos had not realized the impossibility of approaching the illimitable consciousness of the Father. Logos could “not attain him,” because the Father “did not receive him.” Because of his self-exaltation, another good synonym for ego, Logos fully expected to reach the Father and to reproduce his own glorious reflection that would populate a new Paradise of emanations based upon himself. In other words, Ego’s opinion was not based on reality or truth, only his high opinion of his own capabilities. Abandoning the Aeonic rules and his brothers in the Fullness, Logos “went beyond himself” and this overreach brought the sickness of self-doubt onto his soul.

  • Thumbnail for Logos—His Birth, Inheritance, and Fall

    Logos—His Birth, Inheritance, and Fall

    The final Aeon, Logos, found himself sitting on top of the Hierarchy of the Fullness. And, since he contained within himself a copy of all of the other Aeons, he became confused as to his proper role and function and he mistook his own will for the will of the Fullness. Sitting up there on top, Logos had no other Aeons as his direct neighbors on either side, unlike all of the other Aeons within the great pyramidal shape that forms the Hierarchy. Nor was there any Aeon stationed above his location. Logos was positionally exalted above his peers, as if he were the King of the Hierarchy. There was no one and no thing above him other than the Father. Logos overreached and Fell.

  • Thumbnail for The Generation of the Aeons and Logos

    The Generation of the Aeons and Logos

    It is said that although the Father put an unquenchable thirst to align themselves with the One into the minds of the Fullness, he did not reveal to them the Father’s ineffable nature and the impossibility of reuniting with him and surviving to tell the tale. This was doubtless to keep alive the hope of reunification with the Father as a motive for continually giving glory.

  • Thumbnail for The Birth and Nature of Logos

    The Birth and Nature of Logos

    A listener asks why it was necessary to populate this Fallen material world. Why not just abandon the Demiurge down here? Why send the Second Order of Powers into this rocky place on a mission of redemption? Why couldn’t we just stay up above in our ethereal Paradise?
    Answering this question requires an in-depth explanation of the origin and nature of aeons. Cyd examines aeonic life as depicted by the Tripartite Tractate of the Nag Hammadi scriptures. Then we look at one aeon in particular, Logos, as we consider why it reached for the Father and Fell.