Gnosis, Gurus, and Meditation

and a conversation with Bill Welcome back to Gnostic Insights. The first half of this episode is about choosing the higher road to find your…

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Tag: love

  • Thumbnail for What Is Gnosis?

    What Is Gnosis?

    If I love my dog, I ought to love my neighbor, my human neighbor. But I really love my dog with affection, right? My human neighbor, maybe not so much. Maybe they irritate me. Maybe they have a political sign posted on their lawn that I think is just horrible. But I’m called to love them. And how can I do that? The only way to love them is to take my ego off of the throne, off of the center of my considerations, off of the center of my unit of consciousness, and remember to re-enthrone Christ.

  • Thumbnail for God is Goodness

    God is Goodness

    The God Above All Gods is consciousness itself. It is the ultimate consciousness. It’s not only consciousness, but the God Above All Gods is the fountainhead of love. So all consciousness flows down from the fountainhead of the God Above All Gods, and all love flows down from the fountainhead of the God Above All Gods.