e-book giveaway this weekend

Hey folks. I’m running a free e-book giveaway this weekend, March 8, 9, and 10. Just go to amazon.com and choose the free kindle promotion…

Listen now
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Tag: memes

  • Thumbnail for Eternal Life, Guardian Angels, and Spirit Melding to Mud

    Eternal Life, Guardian Angels, and Spirit Melding to Mud

    Last week’s episode was a link to an interview I had just given on Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio. That interview on Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio was called “Gnostic Psychology and Preparing for Death,” and that was posted on January 29, 2025.
    As we so often do, my brother and I chatted after the interview was posted and after he had had a chance to watch it, and we discussed some of the finer points of the Gnosis shared there in that episode. I gave Bill an important piece of Gnosis during that conversation, and he gave me an important piece of Gnosis during that conversation, and I thought I would share those with you today. This is part of our ongoing process of mining our Gnosis.

  • Thumbnail for What Is Gnosis?

    What Is Gnosis?

    If I love my dog, I ought to love my neighbor, my human neighbor. But I really love my dog with affection, right? My human neighbor, maybe not so much. Maybe they irritate me. Maybe they have a political sign posted on their lawn that I think is just horrible. But I’m called to love them. And how can I do that? The only way to love them is to take my ego off of the throne, off of the center of my considerations, off of the center of my unit of consciousness, and remember to re-enthrone Christ.

  • Thumbnail for What Is Your Worldview?

    What Is Your Worldview?

    “A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people. What is objectionable, what is dangerous, about extremists, is not that they are extreme, but that they are intolerant. The evil is not what they say about their cause, but what they say about their opponents.” (JFK)

  • Thumbnail for A Case Study of Past Life Regression

    A Case Study of Past Life Regression

    In this episode, we explore Bill’s unique and highly effective method of helping clients drop unwanted memes through hypnotic past life regression.

  • Thumbnail for Dropping Unwanted Memes

    Dropping Unwanted Memes

    Once you acquire a meme, it becomes part of your unique vibratory bundle. If you do not wish to continue holding that meme in your personal bundle of strings and chords, you need to detach that meme from your bundle.

  • Thumbnail for A Simple Model of Memes, Pt. 1–“Live and Let Live”

    A Simple Model of Memes, Pt. 1–“Live and Let Live”

    Memes are the cultural expressions of societies, and their content is information. Memes, in other words, are the “stuff” of symbolic thought. Everyone holds their own personal bundle of memes tightly against their soul, and these memes influence every aspect of our lives.

  • Thumbnail for A Fractal Model of Human Nature

    A Fractal Model of Human Nature

    Within the confines of my skin, countless units of consciousness patterned after the Aeons, work together to keep me alive and fully functional.