Gnosis, Gurus, and Meditation

and a conversation with Bill Welcome back to Gnostic Insights. The first half of this episode is about choosing the higher road to find your…

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Tag: NDEs

  • Thumbnail for NDEs part 3: Reincarnation, Research, & Gnosis

    NDEs part 3: Reincarnation, Research, & Gnosis

    One problem that scientifically minded researchers have with the near death experiences and the past life memories is that the mind appears to be separate from the brain. They always want to equate our awareness and our consciousness with the brain and the brain’s activities—that consciousness is a byproduct of the brain. But we Gnostics realize that consciousness is not a byproduct of the brain. It’s more the other way around. The mind—consciousness—preexists the brain. It’s the foundation: consciousness. We begin with consciousness, and then we see how creation rolls out and builds up to become us with brains. That is not a scientific concept.

  • Thumbnail for Near Death Experiences Gnosis

    Near Death Experiences Gnosis

    We are loved. You are loved. Existence within and beyond this universe is love. There is no need to fear death or separation from loved ones. Consciousness does not cease with the death of the physical body—we move into a realm of love. And once you experience that cosmic love, you never forget it and you never doubt it, because it is not only as real as our normal reality, it is more real, more intense. And the experiencers who then return into their bodies are changed forever by that experience of love. The big takeaway is that we can share this love, God’s love, through being kind to those around us.