Universal Salvation pt 3

The idea that the God Above All Gods would condemn people to everlasting torment with no goal other than eternal punishment makes no moral or logical sense. It goes against the very nature of a loving and just God.

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Tag: Self

  • Thumbnail for We Are In the Cosmos, Not Of the Cosmos

    We Are In the Cosmos, Not Of the Cosmos

    And I have given to them the glory you have given me, that they may be One just as we are One. I am in them and you in me, that they may be brought to completion in One, so that the cosmos might know that you sent me forth and loved them just as you loved me. Father, I wish that they too, those you have given to me, might be with me where I am, that they might see my glory which you have given me, because you loved me before the foundation of the cosmos. Righteous Father, the cosmos also did not know you, but I knew you, and these know you have sent me forth. And your name I have made known and will make known to them, so that the love with which you have loved me may be in them, and I in them also.

  • Thumbnail for As Above, So Below pt. 2

    As Above, So Below pt. 2

    Our mission is to bring love into the world and to ultimately remind the Demiurge of its origins in the Fullness above. The Demiurge doesn’t know this, of course, and it thinks we are simply more material for it to control. It doesn’t know we are conscious, and it thinks we are chaotic because it does not understand the free will we bring into creation.

  • Thumbnail for As Above, So Below

    As Above, So Below

    Remember, the Demiurge does not know love and has no affection for humans and their pesky free will, whereas the Father and the Fullnesses love us and passed along free will as a God-given part of our 2nd Order nature.   

  • Thumbnail for Are People Inherently Evil?

    Are People Inherently Evil?

    So, we do not have an inherent sin nature. We are children of the Aeons of God. We are children of the Fullness, and it’s actually an insult to the Fullness and to the Son of God to say that their children—for are we not the children of God? Are we not brothers and sisters of Jesus?—it’s a big insult to the Aeons and the angels and the Son of God that made us to say that we’re inherently evil. And it’s not because we fell. The Fall was instigated long before the humans came along. The Fall is the nature of our material universe, that’s all. It’s basically metaphorical language for moving from a different realm, a different home—from the ethereal non-material space of heaven, we might call it, or the Fullness of God.

  • Thumbnail for I am not Me–Your Self (2024 edition)

    I am not Me–Your Self (2024 edition)

    That the you that exists between material incarnations is nothing but your karmic record is proved by one of our basic assertions that all units of consciousness are fundamentally one and the same, and that all units of consciousness begin their individuated journey as perfect echoes of the Fullness of God. Then it follows that I develop as a result of my choices and the choices of others. I am my perfect unit of consciousness, enshrouded in karma and the memes that my karma attracts.

  • Thumbnail for Fractals of the Fullness–Our Ethereal Origin

    Fractals of the Fullness–Our Ethereal Origin

    I’m suggesting that consciousness itself is fractal and the largest consciousness is the Father. The Father had a thought and it became the Son; that Son was the first fractal iteration of consciousness. The Son had a thought and it became the ALL, and that is the next fractal iteration. And then the ALL became self aware, and it turned into the Aeons of the Fullness of God.
    We share the same values and structure of the Aeons that live in the Fullness of God. Their nature is the same as our nature because we are their fruits. We are fractals of the Fullness of God.

  • Thumbnail for The Logos of Life

    The Logos of Life

    You don’t want to go marching around in righteous indignation. You want to return to grace and righteousness—true righteousness. So the moment you recognize that the Demiurge has gotten you again, that’s called repentance. You say, oh, wait a minute, back off, and you return to righteousness. And every time you allow one of these small corrections to take place, it becomes easier and easier and the longer and longer you can allow the 3rd Order of Powers to sit on the throne of your Self.

  • Thumbnail for Spirit, Mind, Body: Spirit down, mud up

    Spirit, Mind, Body: Spirit down, mud up

    When we second order powers came down, we came not only with the good thoughts of the Fullness of God, but we came down with the presumptuous thought that Logos had peeled off of himself, that being his over-reaching ego. And that is why we have both the higher Self and we have an egoic structure, the ego. Our ego is a reflection of the Fall. All of the Aeons, the first order of powers, also have egos. But their egos are simply their position, place, name, rank, and duties. It’s the thing that defines them as individuals, and their relationship with neighbors. Down here below, our egos also reflect the over-reaching, presumptuous thought, and that’s how we second order power egos differ from the first order power egos. It’s not just who we are—our sense of identity—it’s also a drive for power, a striving to be on top.

  • Thumbnail for The Gnostic Lord’s Prayer

    The Gnostic Lord’s Prayer

    In the Lord’s prayer, Jesus suggests that we pray for the Father’s will to be done on Earth as it is in heaven. So here we are trying to bring the perfection and the love and all of the virtues and the knowledge, the true knowledge, onto the Earth. That’s the job of the 2nd order powers. We embody the Fullness of God on this fallen plane. That’s what it means: “Your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven.” And that will is expressed through us.

  • Thumbnail for Gnosis or Not Gnosis?

    Gnosis or Not Gnosis?

    The Demiurge is all about power, control, and mastery, and the Demiurge only allows power to humans who have agreed to serve him. On the other side of the Gnostic ledger—the side that I am promoting—gnosis is not occult. It’s open. It’s known. It’s personally accessible and, very importantly, it does not have anything to do with mastery or power. It has to do with letting go and letting God. It has to do with relinquishing personal control—taking your ego, your astrologer ego, your alchemist ego, your grandmaster ego off of the throne of your soul and allowing the singular One, the Self that we all share, our fractal of the Fullness of God, to control our lives.

  • Thumbnail for The Gnostic Christ

    The Gnostic Christ

    The reckoning is self reflexive—from your ego for the benefit of your Self. It is your own egoic consciousness feeling regret for its past deeds. And the point of the reckoning and repentance isn’t punishment—it’s not a spanking by God. It’s for you to realize the harm you have done to yourself and others during this sojourn in material life, in order to strip off those egoic memes and rejoin the Aeons in the Fullness. Remember, the ethereal plane is separated from the darkness below by a Boundary. We need to leave the darkness behind in order to rise above. We don’t strip off our egos—we retain our identities—but we do strip off the pernicious lies and memes that have kept us bound to the cosmos.

  • Thumbnail for NDEs part 3: Reincarnation, Research, & Gnosis

    NDEs part 3: Reincarnation, Research, & Gnosis

    One problem that scientifically minded researchers have with the near death experiences and the past life memories is that the mind appears to be separate from the brain. They always want to equate our awareness and our consciousness with the brain and the brain’s activities—that consciousness is a byproduct of the brain. But we Gnostics realize that consciousness is not a byproduct of the brain. It’s more the other way around. The mind—consciousness—preexists the brain. It’s the foundation: consciousness. We begin with consciousness, and then we see how creation rolls out and builds up to become us with brains. That is not a scientific concept.

  • Thumbnail for As Above, So Below: Children of the Aeons of God

    As Above, So Below: Children of the Aeons of God

    We need to understand this entire run of the gnostic cosmology in order to understand the nature of human beings, because in Simple Explanation terms, we humans are fractal representations of the entirety of creation. This is the meaning of that expression: as above so below.

  • Thumbnail for Ch. 5 from A Simple Explanation of the Gnostic Gospel of the Tripartite Tractate

    Ch. 5 from A Simple Explanation of the Gnostic Gospel of the Tripartite Tractate

    The division of the deeply troubled Logos was the first manifestation of Ego acting outside of the will of the One Self and the Fullness. The Fall was caused by an act of Ego falling away from the Self. The Tripartite Tractate calls this “presumptuous thought,” meaning going beyond what is right and proper. Egoic thought places the focus on one’s own desires without regard to others. Presumptuous thought is all about me, me, me. The Aeons of the Fullness are not me types of creatures. The Aeons all live for one another in perfect harmony.
    “Because of this, he suffered a division and a turning away. From the faltering and the division came oblivion and ignorance of oneself and which is” (verse 77).

    The “forgetfulness and ignorance of himself and of that which is” becomes a defining characteristic of the Ego’s relationship to the Self . This Ego, divided from its Self, has total amnesia of Logos, the Fullness, and the Father. It recognizes nothing but its own presumptuous thought.

  • Thumbnail for Near Death Experiences Gnosis

    Near Death Experiences Gnosis

    We are loved. You are loved. Existence within and beyond this universe is love. There is no need to fear death or separation from loved ones. Consciousness does not cease with the death of the physical body—we move into a realm of love. And once you experience that cosmic love, you never forget it and you never doubt it, because it is not only as real as our normal reality, it is more real, more intense. And the experiencers who then return into their bodies are changed forever by that experience of love. The big takeaway is that we can share this love, God’s love, through being kind to those around us.