Gnosis, Gurus, and Meditation

and a conversation with Bill Welcome back to Gnostic Insights. The first half of this episode is about choosing the higher road to find your…

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Tag: Self

  • Thumbnail for Tibetan Book of the Dead

    Tibetan Book of the Dead

    The Tibetan Book of the Dead is an ancient manuscript that presents gnosis from an eastern perspective. In this episode, Cyd shows the parallels between gnosticism and Tibetan Buddhist thought. There is much to discover here that you will find helpful to remembering your gnosis.

  • Thumbnail for Honoring Our Aeonic Nature

    Honoring Our Aeonic Nature

    As part of the Gnostic psychology that I’m developing along with my brother, Bill, this episode discusses virtues and vices and how they relate to our Aeonic inheritance.

  • Thumbnail for The Demiurge’s Strings of Power

    The Demiurge’s Strings of Power

    The Demiurge controls our material universe with strings of power, like a puppet master. There is no free will in the material controlled by the Demiurge. Free will is an attribute of the Father’s consciousness flowing down through living creatures from Above. This episode clearly explains the difference between the way the Demiurge controls matter versus how the Fullness of God creates cooperation for the betterment of all.

  • Thumbnail for Morality, Ethics, and Gnosis

    Morality, Ethics, and Gnosis

    Where does morality come from? Is it an empty pipe dream imposed by society and adopted out of a sense of guilt and terror of hell? Or is there another way of arriving at virtue without relying on guilt and fear? This episode contrasts an atheistic, scholastic view of morality with authenitc, gnostic morality. In this episode, we look once again to the Tao Te Ching, verse 18, and trace virtue’s fall from grace to hypocrisy.

  • Thumbnail for Mud Up, Spirit Down

    Mud Up, Spirit Down

    This episode shares a couple of basic concepts from Cyd’s theory of everything called “A Simple Explanation of Absolutely Everything.” The idea that kicked it all off was a phrase that came to me: “Mud Up, Spirit Down.” What does that have to do with toruses? Or fruit salads? How on earth does any of this tie in to Gnostic studies and the Nag Hammadi? And why should we care?

  • Thumbnail for The Fall: Who, what, where, how, and why

    The Fall: Who, what, where, how, and why

    According to Gnostic cosmology, the Fall was not instigated by humans. It was most definitely not when Eve handed Adam an apple from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The Fall occurred way before that. Way before humans. Way before the creation of heaven and earth. In fact, according to Gnostic cosmology, the Fall is what kicked off our material instantiation and set the stage for this universe to come into being. Here’s what happened.

  • Thumbnail for Gnosis and the Tao, Verses 1 and 31

    Gnosis and the Tao, Verses 1 and 31

    Abstract thought on the part of the Pleroma defined creation prior to the Big Bang. In our universe, we are only able to recognize objects and concepts we have named.

  • Thumbnail for Gnosis and the Tao Te Ching, v. 21, 4, & 48

    Gnosis and the Tao Te Ching, v. 21, 4, & 48

    In Gnostic terminology, the Tao spoken of by Lao Tzu refers to the Father. The principles of organization that have informed our universe since the moment before creation refers to the Fullness of God. Non-being refers to clearing your personal Unit of Consciousness of egoic memes and karma to reveal your truest Self. Non-action refers to allowing the Fullness of God to direct your actions for the greater good.

  • Thumbnail for Ego’s Shroud

    Ego’s Shroud

    The Ego protects us from the world. The Ego collects our experiences and memes and holds them on its surface. From the outside, it looks to our neighbors as though we are only our Ego because the Ego is opaque, and it hides our internal, eternal spirit.

  • Thumbnail for As Below, So Above: Inferring the Transcendent

    As Below, So Above: Inferring the Transcendent

    If we start with the premise of a singular consciousness that pre-exists everything that came after it, then we can follow the genesis of our universe from that consciousness step-by-step. In today’s episode, we are going to map aspects of our human personalities onto the Gnostic Gospel to see what we can infer about ourselves down here below and about the forms of consciousness above.

  • Thumbnail for I Am Not Me–The Self

    I Am Not Me–The Self

    For most people, the answer to “who am I?” is that I am my self-aware sense of “me” encased in this body of mine. Yes, we are that, but we are also the things we love and hate, plus the record of our actions in this world, overlaid upon a perfect fractal echo of God’s mind.

  • Thumbnail for Ego vs. Self

    Ego vs. Self

    We humans are each engaged in a personal battle between our Ego and our Higher Self. One of them is devoted to our body, the other to reaching out to others with love…