e-book giveaway this weekend

Hey folks. I’m running a free e-book giveaway this weekend, March 8, 9, and 10. Just go to amazon.com and choose the free kindle promotion…

Listen now
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Tag: Simple Golden Rule

  • The Universal Hierarchy

    We will return to the ethereal plane. However, we’re going through this earthly manifestation experiencing materialism. It’s different than the ethereal plane. It resembles the ethereal plane, but it is ”fallen.” It’s at a slower rate of vibration. It’s dense and thick and confusing. And so it’s very hard to remember Gnosis when we’re in this state. In Gnostic terms, as well as traditional Judaic and Christian terms, the Son is a piece of the Father. The Son contains the ALL. The Son contains all of the characteristics of the originating consciousness in a contained and discrete form. The Son is what we now call a perfect fractal of the entirety of the Father. The Son is like the bucket dipped into the limitless sea of consciousness, and it contains exactly the same ocean water of consciousness that the Father contains.
    This aspect of Judaism and Christianity was cut out of the canonical texts of the Bible by the Emperor Constantine and Pope Clement during the Nicene Council’s packaging of Christianity for the Empire of Rome. The Pleroma of the Aeons was well known to the Jews during the time of Jesus, and it survives in the New Testament as various references to Aeons, but those Aeons have been interpreted through the Latin as ages, and this has caused a long-standing misinterpretation of Aeons as units of time, rather than units of consciousness.
    There’s only one bucket that dips into that limitless sea, and that is the Son. The Son is the only emanation from the originating Father. The Aeons are facets that emerge from the Son, each different from one another. The Aeons are like individual rays of the sun. Together, they form the totality of the Son. The Aeons sit together in perfect harmony in a state known as the Fullness of God, also called the Pleroma.

  • Thumbnail for Neverending War

    Neverending War

    Whereas those of the deficiency arose from the egoic thought that led Logos to overreach and fall, “those of the remembrance” arose from Logos having the good thought of the Father and the Fullness. Those of the deficiency represent phantoms and confusion, whereas the new fruit, the Second Order Powers, represent the virtues of the ALL and life that emanates through the Holy Spirit of the Father. These Second Order Powers were fruited one by one and sent down to populate the space within the Boundary in order to bring life and love into the chaos and confusion.

  • Thumbnail for The Demiurge’s Strings of Power

    The Demiurge’s Strings of Power

    The Demiurge controls our material universe with strings of power, like a puppet master. There is no free will in the material controlled by the Demiurge. Free will is an attribute of the Father’s consciousness flowing down through living creatures from Above. This episode clearly explains the difference between the way the Demiurge controls matter versus how the Fullness of God creates cooperation for the betterment of all.

  • Thumbnail for A Simple Model of the Gnostic Universe

    A Simple Model of the Gnostic Universe

    The lifeless material of our universe is organized and controlled by the Demiurge. The living parts are the 2nd Order of Powers sent from the Pleroma to bring the consciousness of the Holy Spirit into creation. Mud up=Demiurgic control; Spirit down=Golden Rule of Cooperation.

  • Thumbnail for Cyd and Friend Talk Gnostic Gospel, Pt.2

    Cyd and Friend Talk Gnostic Gospel, Pt.2

    Cyd sits down with a new friend who has just read The Gnostic Gospel Illuminated for the first time. She is obviously far along in her gnostic journey and her questions and observations are right on point. We sat at the kitchen table and shared gnosis for a couple of hours. Here is the second half hour of our conversation. This is a wide-ranging conversation that touches on an amazing array of gnosis.

  • Thumbnail for Slime Mold Pleroma

    Slime Mold Pleroma

    One cool thing about slime molds is that they are individual, single-celled organisms, yet when conditions call for it, they come together and form one fully coordinated body. Once in that aggregated body, the mold acts according to the Simple Golden Rule, with one mind, one will, and one goal, just like the Pleroma.