Tag: Third Order of Powers
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, New Gnostic Gospel Simply Explained & Illustrated
Tongues of Fire–the Coming of the Holy Spirit
Jesus was the first of the human Second Order Powers who to be anointed by the Holy Spirit. Of course, Jesus is more than a Second Order Power. He’s always been the manifestation of a Second Order Power plus the Third Order of Powers. And we call that the Christ. We say Jesus Christ, but he’s actually called Jesus the Anointed, and the anointing was the Holy Spirit. To be anointed signifies a special set-apart status for fulfilling a particular purpose or calling. And the calling of Jesus was to round us all up and bring us home.
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, New Gnostic Gospel Simply Explained & Illustrated
Pleroma of the Christ–3rd Order Powers
The Pleroma of the Christ is the Third Order of Powers, endowed with more capabilities than the First and Second Orders, because the Christ embodies the entirety of the ALL and the particularity of the consciousness of each of the individual Aeons of the Fullness, along with the full power of the Holy Spirit and the Son’s entire knowledge and remembrance of the ethereal and physical planes. This Third Order of Powers is fully equipped to bring remembrance and redemption to the Second Order Powers living in this fallen world and to the Demiurge.
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, New Gnostic Gospel Simply Explained & Illustrated, Podcasts
Army of the Christ
“Not only did the aeons generate the countenance of the Father to whom they gave praise, … but also they generated their own; for the aeons who give glory generated their countenance and their face. They were produced as an army for him, as for a king, since the beings of the thought have a powerful fellowship and an intermingled harmony. They came forth in a multifaceted form, in order that the one to whom help was to be given might see those to whom he had prayed for help. He also sees the one who gave it to him.”
Redeeming the Demiurge and Creation
This episode finishes up our deep dive into the Tripartite Tractate’s explanation of the Third Order of Powers. We learn about their relationship to the Christ, the ALL, the Fullness and the Father, and how they go about their job of redeeming us Second Order Powers and the Demiurge.
Christ–The 3rd Order of Powers
When Logos returned to the Fullness, his Pleroma was born out of the parts of himself that had become self-aware as a result of the Fall. These parts of Logos, his Pleroma, represented the better part of each and every piece of himself that had broken out and remained below as shadows of the Fall. It is the Fullness of the Pleroma of Logos that forms the body of the Redeemer who comes back down to the deficiency, one piece at a time, to restore love and memory to the Demiurge, helping him