Consciousness and Time: Our Cherry-Jello Universe and Free Will

This Cherry-Jello Universe hypothesis resolves the philosophical conundrum of how an all-knowing God can exist alongside subjects with free will.

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Tag: Tripartite Tractate

  • Thumbnail for The Nicene Creed

    The Nicene Creed

    The Nicene Creed is a meme bundle of what one must believe in order to call themselves a Christian. And it came to be that anyone who didn’t believe in those edicts of the Nicene Creed was labeled a heretic, and anyone such as myself that may profess other beliefs, other gnostic beliefs, for example, well, those are heretics because they don’t believe in the Nicene Creed. So let’s look at the Nicene Creed today and see what it is that we agree or disagree with, as far as this Gnostic Reformation goes.

  • Thumbnail for Birth of the Demiurge

    Birth of the Demiurge

    What is the Demiurge and how did it come about? What was the presumptuous thought that led the youngest Aeon to overreach and fall and how does that relate to Self and Ego? Why would the Father set things up so that this Aeon could make a unilateral decision that resulted in the Fall? Was it a mistake? Did God cause this Aeon to create evil? How is such a thing even possible? Was it God’s will that it should fall?

  • Thumbnail for There’s too much confusion

    There’s too much confusion

    This week’s episode is about confusion versus simplicity. Our God is not a god of confusion, but of peace. If you find yourself becoming more and more confused when studying gnostic scriptures and books about gnosticism, it’s possible you are heading down the wrong rabbit trails. We don’t need to learn how historical gnostics practiced their religion. We don’t need to memorize arcane diagrams and rituals. All we need to do is remember the gnosis that is already within us. Anything more than that may be leading to confusion rather than clarity. And if you find yourself becoming disillusioned and disheartened, then what you’re learning is likely demiurgic and not gnosis.

  • Thumbnail for Communion with the Demiurge

    Communion with the Demiurge

    This episode offers an explanation of the philosophical and spiritual pitfalls of transhumanism. Can our units of consciousness be downloaded into a computer matrix? If it could, what would that metaverse look like, and would you want to live there?

  • Thumbnail for Ego Falls and Forgets

    Ego Falls and Forgets

    The Fall was caused by an act of Ego falling away from the One Self. The Tripartite Tractate calls the Ego “presumptuous thought.” And isn’t that what egoic thought is? Egoic thought places the focus of thought on one’s own desires without regard to others.

  • Thumbnail for Logos–Ego Led Him Astray

    Logos–Ego Led Him Astray

    It is a unique feature of the Tripartite Tractate that the book does not describe the Fall in terms of sin and blame, but rather as an event that was destined to come about in order to usher in a “new economy” that differed from the ethereal Pleroma where the Aeons dwell. This is our archetypal story, our pre-history as fruit of the Aeons.

  • Thumbnail for The Totalities of Consciousness

    The Totalities of Consciousness

    The Son reflects the Father’s boundless greatness and love. The Son possesses every trait of the Father, for the Son is a complete encapsulation of the Father in which it dwells. Every trait of the Father is expressed now as a singularity, and that singularity is called the Son. And yet although it was a singular manifestation of the Father, the moment the Son was formed, it was no longer alone, for not only the Son, but what is called the ALL, or the Totalities, arose at once.  The ALL immediately appeared as the offspring of the Son, because the Son could not help itself from bringing others into existence, even as it was brought into existence by the Father. Because the Son is an emanation of the Father, it mirrors the Father’s creativity. And so the Father knows itself and creates the Son, and the Son knows itself and creates the ALL…

  • Thumbnail for The Generation of the Aeons and Logos

    The Generation of the Aeons and Logos

    It is said that although the Father put an unquenchable thirst to align themselves with the One into the minds of the Fullness, he did not reveal to them the Father’s ineffable nature and the impossibility of reuniting with him and surviving to tell the tale. This was doubtless to keep alive the hope of reunification with the Father as a motive for continually giving glory.

  • Thumbnail for The Son, Part 2: The Generation of the Aeons

    The Son, Part 2: The Generation of the Aeons

    Last week’s episode was supposed to be about the Son. But we’ve hardly heard anything about the Son himself. We hear about the Father being indescribable and we hear about the infinite number of spirits of the Church that form the body of the Son. But we really haven’t heard much in the way of descriptions of the Son itself. This is because the only way that the Son can be described is through the Aeons, which is to say, through the fractals that come out of the Son. As we trace the path of emanations flowing out of the inconceivable Father and through the barely conceivable Son, we become more and more concrete in our ability to understand the nature of God. It is when we enter the realm of the Aeons that we can begin to recognize the panoply of properties of the Father and Son.

  • Thumbnail for The God Above All Gods

    The God Above All Gods

    I like to begin with the cosmos as it unfolded and rolled out. The word for that sort of study is “cosmogony,” which is defined as the study of the origins of the universe. This makes the most sense to me–to start at the very beginning and then to go through the entire process of how everything came to be and who the principal players are and then, after that is established, to see how that applies to our lives. Then we can ask, “Why are we here? Is there a purpose to our lives? How should we live?” After that, we can finally consider the termination of the universe and what happens after we die. All of these questions are answered very precisely in the Tripartite Tractate of the Nag Hammadi. This knowledge is known as “gnosis.”

  • Thumbnail for Christ–The 3rd Order of Powers

    Christ–The 3rd Order of Powers

    When Logos returned to the Fullness, his Pleroma was born out of the parts of himself that had become self-aware as a result of the Fall. These parts of Logos, his Pleroma, represented the better part of each and every piece of himself that had broken out and remained below as shadows of the Fall. It is the Fullness of the Pleroma of Logos that forms the body of the Redeemer who comes back down to the deficiency, one piece at a time, to restore love and memory to the Demiurge, helping him

  • Thumbnail for Cyd and Friend Talk Gnostic Gospel, Pt.2

    Cyd and Friend Talk Gnostic Gospel, Pt.2

    Cyd sits down with a new friend who has just read The Gnostic Gospel Illuminated for the first time. She is obviously far along in her gnostic journey and her questions and observations are right on point. We sat at the kitchen table and shared gnosis for a couple of hours. Here is the second half hour of our conversation. This is a wide-ranging conversation that touches on an amazing array of gnosis.

  • Thumbnail for The Generation of the Son

    The Generation of the Son

    Who and what is the “Son” presented in the Tripartite Tractate of the Nag Hammadi library? The Son makes it possible for us to infer who the inexpressible Father is. This episode looks deep into the gnosis of the Son.

  • Thumbnail for The Gnostic God

    The Gnostic God

    The Gnostic God is known as “The Father” and “The God Above All Gods.” This Father is definitely not the wrathful God of the Old Testament called Jehovah.