Units of Consciousness, Free Will, and the Cosmic Simulation

Most units of consciousness perform their work as expected. They do their part. They work according to plan, and that’s a really good thing because that’s what holds everything together. The material controlled by the consciousness of the Demiurge is foundational. If the Demiurge did not control the material, the material universe would not hold together and it would completely and very rapidly fall apart. On the other hand, Second Order Powers, who are fractals of the Aeons above, have complete free will to either fulfill or contradict their responsibilities. Most units of consciousness do their job according to the job they were given to do and, overall, things work according to plan. There is enough redundancy in the system so that when the odd unit of consciousness decides to go rogue, things still hold together.

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Tag: Yaldabaoth

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    Sethian Gnosticism

    This week’s episode compares Sethian gnosticism to the Valentinian gnosticism we usually feature. We’ll learn some of the basic ways that these two strains of “gnosticism” differ. Who/what is the Barbelo? Who/what is Yaldabaoth? Who/what falls from the Fullness to create our material world? Who and how is a person redeemed to the Fullness?