These eight episodes describe the Gnostic Gospel as presented in the Tripartite Tractate of the Nag Hammadi and its central terms and ideas. These are the initial podcast episodes of Gnostic Insights, uploaded during April and May of 2021. These describe the new Gnostic Gospel cosmology, beginning with the Father and passing all the way to Restoration and Paradise, with the Fall, the Aeons, the Demiurge, Creation, the Endless War, and Redemption along the way. Episode 1 is an introduction to gnosis and Gnosticism. I recommend you listen to these episodes in order.
Episode 1: Gnosis and Heresies
Episode 2: The Father, The Son, and The ALL
Episode 3: Aeons and the Pleroma
Episode 4: Fullness, Fractals, and The Fall
Episode 5: The Deficiency and the Boundary
Episode 6: Second Order Powers and Units of Consciousness