
Welcome to the Gnostic Insights Podcast

Here you will find podcasts that explain gnosis, as simply as humanly possible. What is gnosis? Gnosis is knowing. Gnosis is not faith, or studying, or imagining. Gnosis is remembering. Remembering who you are, why you are here, what your mission on earth is, and where you will go when your body passes on. Gnosis involves remembering the origin of consciousness and creation. The who, what, when, where, and why of everything.

The host of this podcast site is Dr. Cyd Ropp, a self-described Gnostic Christian. Cyd’s approach to Gnosticism is unique. She does not concern herself with ancient history and outmoded philosophies as written by theologians and historians. Whether the source is the Nag Hammadi, the Bible, or other ancient holy books, or directly from the Fullness of God, this gnosis goes straight to the heart of the matter.

My next book–“A Simple Explanation of the Gnostic Gospel“–was composed here on Gnostic Insights. In July of 2022, I began recording episodes that form the chapters of this book. The book was competed in May of 2023.

I strongly recommend you begin with podcast #ii, titled “Introduction to a Simple Explanation of the Gnostic Gospel” and continue in order, as the gnosis unfolds in a logical progression. If you start at the beginning, you will better understand the material. I have placed these episodes together on their own page, which you will find under the tab labeled “A Simple Explanation of the Gnostic Gospel” in the menu above. There you will find the new Gnostic Gospel cosmology, beginning with the Father and passing all the way to Restoration and Paradise, with the Fall, the Aeons, Creation, the Three Economies, the Endless War, and Redemption along the way. This is truly Gnosis demystified.

The original podcast episodes prior to July of 2022 cover interesting topics that can be understood in gnostic terms–evolution, reincarnation, happiness, Akashic records, extra-terrestrials, politics, virtue and vice, human relations… you name it, we cover it. You can find these earlier discussion episodes under the menu tab labeled: Complete Episodes Library.

You may also purchase Cyd’s books, The Gnostic Gospel Illuminated, which contains the essentials in one short, easy-to-read, picture-book presentation. The follow-up book, A Simple Explanation of the Gnostic Gospel, is a longer, more detailed tour through the Tripartite Tractate for those who like to read philosophy and theology.

You can now follow me on Substack where we may converse on any of these gnostic topics.