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Why Is There Suffering in the World
I received my copy of the hardback of A Simple Explanation of the Gnostic Gospel in the mail this week, and wow, it’s really beautiful. It’s just as beautiful as I expected it would be. The paper is the heavier and more smooth than the paperback, and the ink is the deluxe application, so the colors of the illustrations are just as bright and beautiful as they are on screen. It’s a really beautiful book. It does cost $45, and you needn’t purchase it.

The less expensive versions are just as full of Gnosis-unlocking knowledge. Just wanted you to know. And for all those people who did contribute $50 to getting this book out and in the public space, thank you so much, and your book is in the mail.
And now on to today’s discussion.
I don’t usually go into history in my books, because I’m presenting the living Gnosis—what we need to know today in order to have a peaceful and meaningful life. I think a lot of people who study Gnosticism are looking backward. They’re thinking of it as a relic.
You know, people seem to embrace this whole business about secrecy and what it means to be esoteric, as if Gnosticism is supposed to be a big secret, and that you have to go through various rituals and levels of mastery in order to attain Gnosis. But that is not true at all. Gnosis is inherent in every one of our cells. We are fractals of the Father. We’re fractals of the Fullness of God. We contain all of the information that the Son of God contained, although it’s not unlocked.
I’m not claiming that we are all gods, so to speak. That is one of the heresies that the Christian religion says—Oh it’s terrible, those Gnostics, they think they’re all God. Oh, they think they’re all the Son of God.
Well, yes and no. We are fractals of the Son of God. We contain all of the bits and pieces that are contained in the Fullness of God, but they are unlocked on a need-to-know basis. It’s no big deal to be considered one of the fractals of God. Even the bacteria are fractals of God. Even the little cells in your body and the little parts inside of your cells, they are also fractals of the Fullness of God. But we have various amounts of those fractals turned on inside of us, depending on where we are and what we do in this universe.
So, I don’t know how to be a kidney cell. I really wouldn’t know how to do that if I found myself suddenly miniaturized and stuck into a kidney. I wouldn’t know what my job was or how to interface with my neighbors. But the kidney cells do, because the Aeons that they represent are kidney cells; they know how to be a cell inside of a body. I know how to be a human being on the surface of this Earth planet. All of us human beings know how to be human beings. If we didn’t, we wouldn’t be able to be born and to grow up into this human body and to basically function in society.
Although, what we have forgotten is our higher spiritual nature, our higher connection to where we come from and why it is that we’re here on this planet. That’s the only information that I share with you here on Gnostic Insights. It’s the how and why and how-to of the very, very simple piece of information that everyone needs to grasp. Although, even if you never do grasp the gnosis, it doesn’t mean you’re going to hell. It just means you don’t get it.
So what is that basic piece of gnosis? Everybody who’s been listening to me for a while, you know this answer by now, right? That basic piece of gnosis is only this: We come from the spiritual realm. We come from the Father and we will return to the spiritual realm. We will return to the Father.
We’re not going to be stuck on this “prison planet” forever because the Father and the Fullness are trying to wrap it up. They’ve issued a recall on this material world that we live in. We’re just passing through it. Our ultimate destination is to return to the Fullness of God, which is what we tend to think of as paradise. It’s the reason why this material world is so difficult and is such a challenge to us and can be so disappointing and sad. It’s because we’re comparing this material world in our minds to paradise. See, all of this that’s going on down here, it has all happened before, it will all happen again, but it happens in paradise.
There is perfection on the ethereal plane before the Fall. Paradise exists before the original Fall and it coexists up there now. We tend to compare our material plane with paradise. Of course, it always comes up short down here. That’s the connection that we need to remember. We come from above and we will return to above.
Every living thing, everything that is not an inert mineral, from the cells on up, from the bacteria on up, the fungi and the birds and the plants, all of the species and phylum on the planet that are living, that can move, that follow the sun, that breathe, that eat, that reproduce—all of the living things come from above and will return to above. So that tells us that paradise, or our afterlife, our ethereal plane, has all of the things that Earth has. It has birds and flowers and trees and dogs and cats and people and mushrooms and slime mold because they’re down here and they’re alive and all life comes from above. That’s what happens at conception. The living life of the Fullness of God is interfaced with the dead material particles of the material world—that’s the subatomic particles, that’s the quantum foam, that’s the atoms and molecules and the minerals and the mineral aggregates and the elements, all the way up through the mineral elements and the rocks and stones. Those are the non-living material that will not go to heaven because above, in the realm of the Father, the ethereal plane, that’s life, light and love and joy. That’s all in the above. That’s where we come from.
So that is our expectation but we forget about it. We know it the second we’re conceived and we know it when we’re born. We know it when we’re little babies but the Tripartite Tractate of the Nag Hammadi says it this way—it says that it’s disappointing down here. It’s a weak basis for life. We are melded to this material plane, the molecules and elements and whatnot that make up our material bodies. So that’s our walking around bodies but the life, the soft and squishy parts, that all comes from above and it will return to above.
I read an article this week on academia.edu called Gnosticism in the Roman Church by a gentleman named Stephen Loughran. He was comparing early Gnosticism with the Roman Catholic Church. And he said, “One striking difference between Christianity and Gnosticism regards the nature of deity or God himself. Ask any believing Christian who created the universe and without hesitation that person will answer, well God did of course. Furthermore the God of Christian thought is said to be all powerful and all-knowing, omnipotent and omniscient, and above all perfect and good. This poses several conundrums for many Christians, two of which can be characterized by the often asked questions, if God is good and perfect why is there suffering in the world? And if God is all-powerful how do we account for human free will?”
Okay. See, this is easily answered in Gnosticism, although contemporary traditional Christians will not like this answer. But if you have fallen away from Christianity or never joined Christianity because of those two common questions, Why is there suffering? and What about free will? the answer is this: there are many gods. We know there are many gods and that religions all around the world have their various gods. The creator of the material portion of the Earth and of the universe in fact, the creator of the heavens and the Earth—heavens just being our astronomical planets, suns and whatnot—that is a God, that is the creator God. In Gnosticism that God is called the Demiurge. He is not the God Above All Gods. The supreme consciousness, the real Father—when Jesus said, I and my Father are one, if you know me you know my Father—He’s talking about the God Above All Gods.
And that God has only one name, Father, because we all come from him. He is our spiritual Father. The Demiurge in Christian mythology has gotten all confused between the Fall of Satan or the Fall of the angels. They say one-third of the angels fell from heaven. I don’t know about that in particular, because that is not covered in the Tripartite Tractate. However, it’s referred to here and there in various extra biblical sources. But I think what it is referring to is when an Aeon fell out of the Fullness of God and became the God, the creator God of this universe. And the Christians kind of know this because they identify that fallen angel as Satan. But Satan is not a name, it’s a word. It means the opposition or the adversary. So Satan is the one that accuses us of things, that makes us feel bad and guilty. That is the fallen angel according to the Christians.
But according to the Gnostics, that fallen angel is actually the creator God of this universe. Most Gnostic books and even people who are describing Valentinianism, which is supposedly our strain of Gnostic Christianity, (it’s called Valentinian Christianity), but the Tripartite Tractate is unique among all the books of the Nag Hammadi scrolls. That is because in most of the Nag Hammadi the fallen Aeon is called Sophia, and it is a female figure. Some say it is the female half of the Son of God. I don’t think of the rollout of cosmogony in that way, and I reject the notion that the fallen God of this universe, who is essentially what we would call Satan in Christianity, is a female figure. To me, that’s just another example of blaming women. It’s the larger fractal of Eve giving Adam the apple. In the Tripartite Tractate, it is an ungendered Aeon or multiple-gendered Aeon. Logos is the name of that fallen Aeon, not Sophia, Logos—they’re similar concepts—so we can see that it’s probably the same concept, it’s just been written differently. Logos means knowledge, logic, reasoning. It is the seat of Gnosis. Logos literally means the Word. Sophia means wisdom, so they’re similar concepts.
That fallen Aeon, Logos, contains within itself the entire blueprints of everybody else. The pleroma of Logos contains the fractal of the Fullness of God, and the infinite variety of Aeons that make up the Fullness of God. And the Fullness of God, that is the coexistent breakout, the variables contained within the Son of God. So the Son is the only begotten Son. The Son of God is the only emanation out of the Father’s originating consciousness. It has extended consciousness out from the Father, not separated from Him, because the Son of God is still plugged into the Father. But the Son contains all of the essence of the Father, all of the consciousness and the attributes. And once the Son was formed, immediately, being a fractal of the Father, He also gave birth. Just like the Father had given birth to the Son, the Son gives birth to all of its parts, which are the Aeons of God. And those are actually variables. Each one of them is a variable. Altogether, they add up to the Son. Altogether, when the Fullness of God sits and sings in unison, it is the Son.
Now, the Son knows them to be its parts, but they don’t realize that they are individual variables of the Son. But the Son knows them, because He’s a higher order, see? So He can see them. They’re His parts. He wears them the same way we wear our bodies. We can see our arms and our legs and our toes, but our toes, our arms, and our legs may not themselves realize that they are parts of that larger human body that we are walking around in. You see the analogy? So the ALL, or the Totality, the Fullness of God, is coexistent. It sits within and fully reflects the Son in its totality. That’s why it’s called the Totality, also the Son.
Well, one of those, the last Aeon to be formed, was a fractal replica of the entire Fullness of God. So inside the body of Logos are fractals, one order down, one iteration down, of all of the variables of the Son, which gave rise to a misunderstanding in the mind of Logos that He was the Fullness of God. It’s not a female. It’s not a male. It’s an amalgamation of all of the Aeons. There may be male and female aspects amongst the Aeons, but the Logos is all of them.

So when the Logos overreached to rejoin the Father, it was because He thought He could plug directly into the Father, the same way that the Son plugs directly into the Father. But no one else but the Son is able to plug directly into the Father, because the Father is so enormous and overwhelming that, as it says in the Tripartite Tractate, anyone who approaches the Father face-to-face would be annihilated, because the Father is so tremendously overwhelming. Now, I know that a lot of Christians have that sense within themselves that the Father is overwhelming. That’s why when you hear some testimonies and you hear the lyrics of some Christian songs, they speak about, how will I ever stand up and face God? How will I ever get my face up off the floor because God is so great and I am nothing? Well, we don’t really go face-to-face with the Father. We go face-to-face with Christ, who is the representation of the Father to us humans in particular, and Jesus was one of us, was a human who fully manifested the Christ, fully manifested the Fullness of God and God’s desire to bring us all home. So we need not fear the Christ, just like we don’t fear Jesus.
People who are born-again Christians have a personal relationship with Jesus. They may not recognize that Jesus and the Christ are two in one, because Jesus was fully human and then fully God, but by fully God we don’t mean that he was the fallen demiurge. We mean that he is fully the Father. I and my Father are one, he said. Jesus comes in a form that every single person can relate to. That’s why Christ is a personal God. Everyone can relate to him, everyone, and he immediately plugs right into our bodies. I’ve described before in other episodes that the fractal Aeons of the Fullness that come along with the Christ, those are called the Third Order of Powers. We are the Second Order of Powers, and there is a Third Order Power for every Second Order Power. When Jesus comes to me, when Christ comes to me, he plugs right into my body. Of course he knows me. He’s inside all of my cells. He’s perfectly made for me, and your Savior is perfectly made for you. That is how that we can accept him and call him into ourselves, you see? Does this make sense?
So the answer to if God is good and perfect, why is there suffering in the world, is that the God of this world, the demiurge, is not good and perfect. The God of this world is the aspect of the fallen Logos—what I identify as the ego of the fallen Logos. He doesn’t carry the life and the consciousness and the love of the Father. He is not a loving God. That’s why the Christians are mistaking him for Satan. He is not a loving God. He does not love us.
This God of our universe made the universe, the material physical parts of the universe, up through those elements and rocks, up through the planets, because Logos contains the fractals of all the Fullness of God. So when Logos fell, the blueprints were here. That’s what the demiurge works with. He’s working off of blueprints. He’s not working off of the living ethereal plane. The best part of Logos, the Tripartite Tractate says, fled back to the Fullness after he realized what had happened. The mistake, the overreach, the Fall, and then these shadows of himself, were going out and creating this material universe, and he was aghast.
He was horrified at creation. That’s a quite a different view of creation than we get from our traditional God made the Earth, God made the heavens, we love creation. Well, Logos was horrified by the creation because it was dead. So after he fled back up to the Fullness, he abandoned this material creation down below, and that’s what we have here. But we still have the egoic part, the demiurge roaming around, and that’s the God of this world. And he doesn’t remember where he came from. He doesn’t realize he’s only the reflected ego of Logos, cut off from his Self, cut off from his higher consciousness. He knows there’s supposed to be creatures and people and whatnot walking around, but he can’t bring life into them. And that’s why there’s a little fragment about how he tried to mold a man on the riverbank and breathe life into it, but whatever he could do, he could not bring life into that piece of mud that he had created, that golem, because he doesn’t channel the life or the love of the Father and the Fullness.
That is why Logos, after he had fled back, prayed alongside the Fullness for a solution. They prayed for life to come into the universe. And that’s us. That’s all of us living creatures. We are the Second Order of Powers. The Aeons of the Fullness are the First Order of Powers, but we are the Second Order of Powers, and it’s our job to bring life, love, and the memory of the Father into this otherwise dead universe. And we were constructed in such a way that we could utilize the dead universe, that mud that’s lying on the riverbank, into living creatures. But we’re the ones with the life and the love and the memory. We forget about it because now we’re in a constant battle with death. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, it says in the 23rd Psalm. So we’re living in the shadow of death, and that is this created universe.
And that is why they call Gnostics, in a pejorative sense, they call us Gnostics, world haters, because Logos was aghast and he didn’t like the dead universe that was being ruled by the demiurge. But we love the Father and we love the ethereal plane because that is where we come from. That is our home. We are sojourners in this world. We are just passing through.
And the Christians have a faint whiff of all of this running through the Bible. They know that they are just passing through this life and that they’re going to cross the river Jordan someday and rejoin the loved ones that have departed to heaven. We all know this. Everybody on the planet knows this inherently. That is the inherent Gnosis. But we’ve forgotten because as we grow up in the world we get disappointed and saddened and nothing is as it should be. We tend to forget or think that it was some pie-in-the-sky dream that there’s such a thing as heaven and God, but it’s never going to happen.
The Christian religion is unique of all the religions in the world. This personal relationship with God, this personal relationship with Christ, is unique. The Christ actually came for each individual human to remind us that we’re going back home—don’t worry about it. But meanwhile we’ve got this job to do and that was not only to bring life, light, love, consciousness and remembrance into the universe, but we’re also trying to redeem the living universe. We couldn’t do it. The Christ is the Third Order of Powers. It’s the Christ’s job to redeem every living thing. And the Christians know that too. And all throughout the New Testament it says Christ came for everyone. But then they tend to think that everyone is only the Christians. That’s the mistake. This idea of universal salvation, meaning every living thing will return home to the ethereal plane, that’s what Jesus was talking about.
That is the underlying gnosis of Christianity—universal salvation—because it’s Christ’s job. It’s the Third Order Power’s job to redeem the demiurge, to wrap up this dead material world and bring all the living things home, including rejoining the ego of Logos to its Self in heaven. We want the demiurge to wake up and realize and remember where it comes from. Then he’ll give up this puppet master control he has over the dead material things.
And he tries to have that same control over us. That’s what the inner struggles are about. That’s why bad things happen to good people. That’s what the addictions and the sin and the betrayals about—those all come from the demiurge. He doesn’t love us because he doesn’t know what love is. He only knows what control is, and he wants to control us in any way possible. And if he can control you through drugs, he does. If he can control you through lust or through food, he does. If he can control you through possessions—you know, the richer you are, the more possessions you have, the more burdened you are, the more you are weighed down by those possessions. They give you a fleeting happiness, but material possessions are actually burdens that you carry. On the ethereal plane, everything is freely available.
You know, I get really upset with people who think that we can have a perfect communist or socialist or communal world down here if we would all just give up our possessions and share them with everybody else. And then we’d love and love alike and everybody would be equal. That is a noble goal. That’s a dear, sweet, noble goal. The problem is it cannot happen on this fallen plane because the demiurge won’t let it happen. What you are sensing when that is your goal is the ethereal plane—it’s your remembrance. It’s your beginning of gnosis. Now, the way to remember, the way to unlock the gnosis that’s within you is to realize this is the fallen world. We can’t recreate heaven on Earth. When we try to create heaven on Earth, it turns into hell on Earth. That is the first realization. None of the plans are going to work. None of the schemes are going to work. The governmental systems aren’t there to make us happy, loving, and equal. The governmental systems are part of the demiurgic control. They are necessary on this fallen world to have.
In the Tripartite Tractate, it says that certain people are given power for a limited period of time in order to assist the demiurge in bringing order into our societies. That’s what governments are, but they’re limited. And the problem with the people that are the governors is that they don’t realize that their actual power comes from above. They think they are the source of the power, just like the demiurge thinks it is the source of the power. There is no inherent power down here. It all comes from God.
Well, I guess that’s all the time we have for today.
I didn’t even get to the question about free will, but I can really briefly say this. Yes, the Father is all powerful and all consciousness emanating out of the Father is the Son, and it carries all of the attributes of the Father. And then emanating from the Son are these fractals that sit with him, and every one of them carries within itself the attributes of the Father. And free will, of course, is an attribute of the Father. There’s no argument about that, I think, in anyone’s religious aspect.
But then we, and this is where it comes in, part of our gnosis is that we come from above.

We are the children of the Aeons. We are the Second Order Powers birthed from the First Order Powers—the Aeons. So all of the attributes of the Aeons, which is to say that all of the attributes of the Son of God, come down to us, but we are an iteration. We are further, further down. So we have free will. There’s no doubt about that. But our free will that came to us in conception, along with love, life, and remembrance, our free will is constantly being jammed up by the demiurge, because the demiurge doesn’t understand free will. The demiurge thinks that free will is a mess, is chaos, is unruly. And it’s the job of the demiurge to control everything.
He controls all of the material in the universe strictly. And it’s a good thing he does. He’s the one that sets the physical laws and the chemical laws. He’s the one that determines gravity and the speed of light and all of that. He controls those strictly. And if he didn’t, the universe wouldn’t hold. It would completely fly apart. He doesn’t understand why he can’t control us. It’s not just us, it’s any living creature because we all have free will. He doesn’t understand where it’s coming from. He sees it as chaos, and he keeps trying to clean it up.

And that’s why it seems as though we don’t have free will. But we do. You know you do. And any addict who has repented, turned away, and accepted the Christ, the Third Order Powers, to come and replace his Second Order sensibilities, bringing the knowledge of the Third Order, which is to say the Christ, which is to say the Father, into our bodies. That can turn around an addict in a moment’s time. That’s what brings that instantaneous joy and expansion of consciousness when someone is born again.
You see, you don’t have to believe in something you know. Belief implies unbelief. A belief implies that you’re choosing to believe something in the face of evidence to the contrary.
Gnosis isn’t belief. It’s knowing. It’s true knowledge. It’s knowing where we come from. And when you know that, then you have your free will, because you have your virtues and your aspects of the Christ, and your aspects of the Father.
Okay, that’s it for today.
Say, did you know that on YouTube, I have a few videos from years ago before I started doing the podcast? And if you’d like to see me giving a lecture on these kinds of topics, you can go to the Cyd Ropp YouTube channel, and look up the one that says Practice Presentation. And you can find my…it’s like giving a lecture in class—I’ve got posters and a pointer. So you can see me talk for an hour about all of these things, if that’s what you’d like to do.

Until next week, God bless us all. Onward and upward!