Gnostic Insights Podcasts
Cyd Ropp explains basic Gnostic ideas, often narrated while walking the dog.
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, New Gnostic Gospel Simply Explained & Illustrated
The Gnostic Christ
The reckoning is self reflexive—from your ego for the benefit of your Self. It is your own egoic consciousness feeling regret for its past deeds. And the point of the reckoning and repentance isn’t punishment—it’s not a spanking by God. It’s for you to realize the harm you have done to yourself and others during this sojourn in material life, in order to strip off those egoic memes and rejoin the Aeons in the Fullness. Remember, the ethereal plane is separated from the darkness below by a Boundary. We need to leave the darkness behind in order to rise above. We don’t strip off our egos—we retain our identities—but we do strip off the pernicious lies and memes that have kept us bound to the cosmos.
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, Podcasts
Consciousness–It’s a no-brainer
The neat thing about planaria worms is that if you cut them in half, the head half will grow a new tail and the tail half will grow a new head. Now, the interesting thing is that even though you chop off the head and the tail grows a new head, that new head knows everything that the old head knew. And this is a form of proof that the memories and knowledge that were contained in that planaria worm didn’t live in the head. They were somehow living in the entire worm.
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, Podcasts
Interview with Hathaway Jane
One night my heart hurt so bad. And I just said, God, please forgive me for all the things I’ve done in life. And I was like, I need to know you’re here and that you’re real. And all of a sudden I saw God and the most overwhelming feeling of love and light and warmth filled my body. This is an experience I will never forget. And I saw God. And I didn’t see him like standing there. It wasn’t like my eyes were seeing, but I could see in my mind this presence, and it was thick. And it was so warm. And it was so loving. And it was just pure love. And at that very moment my entire life changed drastically. I was already into Jung. I had already worked on myself. But that was real. That was so real.
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, New Gnostic Gospel Simply Explained & Illustrated
NDEs part 3: Reincarnation, Research, & Gnosis
One problem that scientifically minded researchers have with the near death experiences and the past life memories is that the mind appears to be separate from the brain. They always want to equate our awareness and our consciousness with the brain and the brain’s activities—that consciousness is a byproduct of the brain. But we Gnostics realize that consciousness is not a byproduct of the brain. It’s more the other way around. The mind—consciousness—preexists the brain. It’s the foundation: consciousness. We begin with consciousness, and then we see how creation rolls out and builds up to become us with brains. That is not a scientific concept.
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, Podcasts
Transformative Near Death Experiences
These people who died and had their near death experiences weren’t earning a glimpse of Heaven. They just died in the middle of whatever they were doing, the way we all do. And yet they were taken directly into the Heavenly realm, and these people were sent back because it wasn’t time for them to be dead yet. And when they come back, they bring the peace, love, joy, the conviction that death is not final. They have felt themselves in the warm embrace of the Father, or of Jesus, or of Angels. There was no anger there. There is no judgment there.
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, New Gnostic Gospel Simply Explained & Illustrated
As Above, So Below: Children of the Aeons of God
We need to understand this entire run of the gnostic cosmology in order to understand the nature of human beings, because in Simple Explanation terms, we humans are fractal representations of the entirety of creation. This is the meaning of that expression: as above so below.
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, New Gnostic Gospel Simply Explained & Illustrated
Gnostic Christmas–Alleluia!
The Christ came to Earth in the form of a Son of Man to bring the Third Order of Powers to Earth as the solution to overcoming the phantoms of the Imitation that have mired the Second Order Powers in error and ignorance. Those who have eyes to see the Christ are able to remember their Father in Heaven. Those who remember their Father in Heaven and repent from the Imitation are redeemed. In the Gnostic Gospel, redemption comes to all of creation through the incarnation of the Son of God into the body of the Son of Man. The manner of the Savior’s birth, death, and resurrection will come to every soul as they realize their Father is in Heaven and to Heaven they will return. For, as it says, “every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord” (Philippians 2:10). It just takes time. We aren’t there yet because of the common delusion of presumptuous thought, which causes people to behave selfishly.
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, New Gnostic Gospel Simply Explained & Illustrated
Ch. 5 from A Simple Explanation of the Gnostic Gospel of the Tripartite Tractate
The division of the deeply troubled Logos was the first manifestation of Ego acting outside of the will of the One Self and the Fullness. The Fall was caused by an act of Ego falling away from the Self. The Tripartite Tractate calls this “presumptuous thought,” meaning going beyond what is right and proper. Egoic thought places the focus on one’s own desires without regard to others. Presumptuous thought is all about me, me, me. The Aeons of the Fullness are not me types of creatures. The Aeons all live for one another in perfect harmony.
“Because of this, he suffered a division and a turning away. From the faltering and the division came oblivion and ignorance of oneself andwhich is” (verse 77). The “forgetfulness and ignorance of himself and of that which is” becomes a defining characteristic of the Ego’s relationship to the Self . This Ego, divided from its Self, has total amnesia of Logos, the Fullness, and the Father. It recognizes nothing but its own presumptuous thought.
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, New Gnostic Gospel Simply Explained & Illustrated
Emissaries of Consciousness
Logos and the Aeons sent down representations of themselves into our universe, each one being a much more fabulous original than these deficient copies of the Imitation. And so these organizational patterns and names and faces of the Aeons came to bring order and stability and solidity. That solidity is the new economy, the new ecology of this universe. “He generated manifest images of the living visages, mingling the Logos with himself entirely. Therefore, those who came forth from him are great, just as that which is truly great.” That’s us, folks!
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, New Gnostic Gospel Simply Explained & Illustrated
We are the Second Order of Powers
The 2nd Order Powers come into creation fully loaded with gnosis, but in the course of doing battle in this never ending war with the Deficiency, gnosis is forgotten and needs to be remembered again. And that’s the purpose of our Gnostic Insights podcast—to remember the gnosis from above.
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, New Gnostic Gospel Simply Explained & Illustrated
Ego, Fall, Deficiency
When Logos overreached because of presumptuous egoic thought and fell into the darkness that is ignorance, he shattered into a confusing jumble of disconnected parts. These pieces of the Shattered Aeon were sicknesses—small dark, ignorant, divided, roiling with chaos. They reflected neither the glory of the originals and the Fullness, nor the ecology of the hierarchy. Because they were no longer arranged in the pattern of the hierarchy, they forgot their functions and their names.
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, New Gnostic Gospel Simply Explained & Illustrated
Fractals, Fullness, and the Fall
I suggest that the consciousness of God is fractal in the same way that the broccoli stalk is fractal. So we can imagine that the root of consciousness, the Father, is, for example the mother plant. The Son is that first flower off of that mother plant—that first broccoli stalk if you will. And then the Son—all of its variables, all of its potentials, the entire blueprint of our universe, because it is, after all, the mind of God—each one of those Totalities is also a fractal. And each of them all replicate the original Son, who is also an iteration of the original consciousness.
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, New Gnostic Gospel Simply Explained & Illustrated
Self-Awareness Emerges
This episode explains how consciousness unfolds itself and gives rise to self-awareness. How does consciousness originate from the single source and then keep branching out as self-awareness until it eventually reaches you?
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, New Gnostic Gospel Simply Explained & Illustrated
Evolution and Conscious Design
In the Simple Explanation there is an ontological pull upward toward more complex aggregations of consciousness. Darwin’s model is, on the other hand, a case of the blind simply bumbling by happenstance, by lucky accident, by dumb luck, to be a superior adaptation from the norm. Where I find it unlikely is that there would be a billion such bumblings in the same direction, that by dumb luck keeps heading in the upward and onward direction.
The Simple Explanation would say the patterns of superiority are few and they are fractal, so the wheel does not need to be reinvented over and over. The Golden Rule and the hierarchical distribution of increasing complexity and responsibility cover much of it. And, due to the transpersonal nature of universal knowledge, basic mechanisms like hands and eyes only need to be invented once and then deployed or copied as needed. Consciousness is not a byproduct of the human brain, or even of complex systems of any sort. Consciousness is the ground state.
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, New Gnostic Gospel Simply Explained & Illustrated, Podcasts
Gnostic Evolution–in the beginning…
Someone left a comment on an old article from 2019 on my Simple Explanation blog, and it caused me to reread the article. And, gee,…