New Gnostic Gospel Simply Explained & Illustrated
Welcome to the simplest explanations of Gnostic theology and cosmogony you will find. Basic Gnostic concepts simply explained and illustrated with visionary images. A Gnostic Primer.
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, New Gnostic Gospel Simply Explained & Illustrated, Podcasts
The Truth About Eternal Damnation
Those who have not accepted the forgiveness and redemption of the Christ do indeed suffer when they pass away from this life. This suffering is not handed down by an angry God but is rather their own recognition and guilt over their sins and shortcomings. The more sinful an unredeemed person is, the more they suffer when they die. The suffering comes from their own conscience as they see clearly the path of their ego-driven life and the true condition of their soul. After a period of denying their need for a Messiah to rescue them from this place where they have been set aside, they will call out to the Savior to rescue them. The moment they repent of all that they now see clearly as their accumulated faults, they will be redeemed.
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, New Gnostic Gospel Simply Explained & Illustrated
Fractal Pleromas
It turns out that every entity, with the exception of the originating Father and Son, is not only part of a larger Pleroma, it is itself a Pleroma that contains a host of smaller entities. We are all fractals of the Fullness and we are all nested iterations of the Father’s fractal consciousness.
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, New Gnostic Gospel Simply Explained & Illustrated, Podcasts
Free Will Is Essential
Free will is at the core of our being. It was the free will of Logos that caused him to leave the Fullness and fall. It was the free will of the restored Logos and the Totalities that created the Second Order Powers. And it is the free will of the Powers, by way of our Aeonic inheritance, that directs ours lives here below. It is our own free will that causes us to forget about the Father and the Fullness of God from which we come. It is our own free will that allows us to bow to the rule of the Demiurge and dig our own graves. Because of the nature of free will, we turn to an outside source to assist our remembrance and salvation. This Aeon is known as the Christ–the Son of the Father’s will and of the good pleasure of the ALL.
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, New Gnostic Gospel Simply Explained & Illustrated
Fear Not–We Are Going Home
“Know thyself” was an important maxim in ancient Greece. “Know thyself” refers to your big S Self. Knowing your Self puts you in alignment with the Fullness and the Father. By mining your gnosis now, and meditating upon the Father, the Son, and the Christ, you prepare your Self to transcend death before you cross over.
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, New Gnostic Gospel Simply Explained & Illustrated
Communion with the Demiurge
This episode offers an explanation of the philosophical and spiritual pitfalls of transhumanism. Can our units of consciousness be downloaded into a computer matrix? If it could, what would that metaverse look like, and would you want to live there?
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, New Gnostic Gospel Simply Explained & Illustrated
Garden of the 3-Fold Order
This week’s episode takes a sneak peek into Chapter 13 of my upcoming book, “A Simple Explanation of the Gnostic Gospel.” Chapter 13 is about the way ethereal consciousness came to create physical matter and how this consciousness interfaces with that matter. This chapter is ground zero for consciousness studies–providing a logical framework for the flow and process of consciousness—how it was in the beginning, and how it instantiates down here.
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, New Gnostic Gospel Simply Explained & Illustrated
Kicking Cravings Through Gnosis
The values of the Demiurge lead to isolation and despair. The values of the Fullness lead to peace and joy. The memes you cling to affect your karma and pull you this way or that.
This episode looks at the cravings that have taken you over and how to rid yourself of them, whether those cravings are for sex, drugs, social media, or whatever other forces are binding you. -
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, New Gnostic Gospel Simply Explained & Illustrated
So What?
A fascinating thing about ideologies is that most people are not even aware that there is such a thing as competing ideologies. Their own ideology is what is called “naturalized,” which means that they hold it so deeply that they do not recognize it as an ideology and that there may be other valid points of view. They don’t realize that their own worldview shapes and filters what they see and the options open for their behavior. They think that those who disagree with them are wrong, crazy, or evil.
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, New Gnostic Gospel Simply Explained & Illustrated
Archetypes–Fractals of the Fullness
In the hierarchy of the Fullness of God and similarly, within the Pleroma of our bodies, we have every single type of unit of consciousness derived from the Hierarchy of the Son, from the cells on up through our governing Self unit of consciousness. Our governing Self sits on the top of our personal hierarchical Pleroma. We are all fractals. Within my body there are countless fractals of the Fullness of God, and each one of them is doing its job to keep me alive and walking around, because they are operating according to the Simple Golden Rule of reaching out and holding hands with their neighbors, and working together with information, with coherence, and with love to work for the betterment of all.
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, New Gnostic Gospel Simply Explained & Illustrated
Units of Conciousness–Our Aeonic Inheritance
Our personalities reflect our heavenly or Aeonic inheritance, and that includes both our Self and our originating Egos. It is our Egos that go about this world interfacing with others and collecting memes. Our Egos are all different, whereas our Selfs are all the same. My Ego is only concerned with me, because that is the job of Ego—to take care of and serve the needs of my body. This function of Ego is selfish, but not inherently bad, naughty, or evil; it’s the Ego doing its job.
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, New Gnostic Gospel Simply Explained & Illustrated
As Above, So Below
Our gnosis embraces the entire run of the gnostic cosmology because we share the same values and structure as the Aeons that live in the Fullness of God. Their nature is the same as our nature because we are their fruits. We are fractals of the Fullness of God.
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, New Gnostic Gospel Simply Explained & Illustrated
The Aeons of Salvation
“Not only did the aeons generate the countenance of the Father to whom they gave praise, … but also they generated their own; for the aeons who give glory generated their countenance and their face. They were produced as an army for him, as for a king, since the beings of the thought have a powerful fellowship and an intermingled harmony. They came forth in a multifaceted form, in order that the one to whom help was to be given might see those to whom he had prayed for help.”
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, New Gnostic Gospel Simply Explained & Illustrated
Pleroma of the Christ–3rd Order Powers
The Pleroma of the Christ is the Third Order of Powers, endowed with more capabilities than the First and Second Orders, because the Christ embodies the entirety of the ALL and the particularity of the consciousness of each of the individual Aeons of the Fullness, along with the full power of the Holy Spirit and the Son’s entire knowledge and remembrance of the ethereal and physical planes. This Third Order of Powers is fully equipped to bring remembrance and redemption to the Second Order Powers living in this fallen world and to the Demiurge.
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, New Gnostic Gospel Simply Explained & Illustrated
Lust for Domination
No sooner did the Second Order of Powers begin manifesting on the material stage, they found themselves in mortal combat with the shadows of the imitation.
The Second Order Powers “fought against the order of those of the likeness, while the order of those of the likeness wages war against the representations and acts against it alone, because of its wrath. As a result, they were submerged in forces and natures in accord with the condition of mutual assault, having lust for power and all other things of this sort. It is from these that the vain love of glory draws all of them to the desire of the lust for power, while none of them has the exalted thought nor acknowledges it…”
Gnostic Insights Podcasts, New Gnostic Gospel Simply Explained & Illustrated
The Second Pleroma of Logos
The Second Order of Powers is also known as “the emissions of the remembrance.” Emissions is another word for emanations, and it refers to the origin of our consciousness. The Second Order of Powers was named the emissions of the remembrance because they were emissions of Logos, so they channeled the consciousness of the Father. The Second Order Powers embody the originating consciousness of the Father, passed down through the Son and the Fullness of God and on into Logos as he remembered his place and origin. They are also called emissions of remembrance because the Self imbedded in every Second Order Power remembers that they come from the Father.