The Son of the God Above All Gods

How is it that we can claim to know these characteristics of the Father—his sweetness, his greatness, and so forth? Well, that is because the Father reveals his own characteristics through what is called the Son, and the Son is actually the God that we are able to relate to. The Son is the relatable father to us and to the Aeons, whereas the Son is the only Son of that Father who is otherwise inexpressible. The Son does reflect and incorporate the characteristics of the Father, so it seems to me that we can infer the characteristics of the Father from the Son, and that’s what I think the author of the Tripartite Tractate did—inferred what the characteristics of the Father must be by examining the characteristics of the Son.

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  • Thumbnail for Tractate 7 and Poimandres

    Tractate 7 and Poimandres

    “People, where are you rushing, so intoxicated and having so fully drunk the strong wine of reasoning unaccompanied by acquaintance? You cannot hold it; already you are about to throw it up. Stop, get sober! Look up with the eyes of the mind–and if you cannot all do so, at least those of you who can! For the imperfection that comes from unacquaintance [lack of gnosis] is flooding the entire earth, corrupting the soul along with the body that encloses it and preventing it from putting in at the havens of safety.” Tractate 7

  • Thumbnail for Salvation, Jehovah, and the Demiurge

    Salvation, Jehovah, and the Demiurge

    This episode explains the gnostic belief in universal salvation of all living creatures–considered one of the great heresies of Gnosticism. As if that weren’t enough heresy for one episode, we also explain the nature of God and the difference between the God of the Hebrew’s Old Testament and the God Above All Gods of the Gnostic scriptures. When Jesus referred to “my father in Heaven,” who was He referring to?

  • Thumbnail for Cyd and Friend Talk Gnostic Gospel, Pt.2

    Cyd and Friend Talk Gnostic Gospel, Pt.2

    Cyd sits down with a new friend who has just read The Gnostic Gospel Illuminated for the first time. She is obviously far along in her gnostic journey and her questions and observations are right on point. We sat at the kitchen table and shared gnosis for a couple of hours. Here is the second half hour of our conversation. This is a wide-ranging conversation that touches on an amazing array of gnosis.

  • Thumbnail for Cyd and Friend Talk Gnostic Gospel, Pt.1

    Cyd and Friend Talk Gnostic Gospel, Pt.1

    Cyd sits down with a new friend who has just read The Gnostic Gospel Illuminated for the first time. She is obviously far along in her gnostic journey and her questions and observations are right on point. We sat at the kitchen table and shared gnosis for a couple of hours. Here is the first half hour of our conversation.

  • Thumbnail for Transpersonal Consciousness and Gnosis

    Transpersonal Consciousness and Gnosis

    Transpersonal consciousness, the Akashic record, and morphogenetic fields are all names for the “mind of God” that informs our universe and saturates our space. This external memory is shared by us all. How does it work and how can you tap into this limitless wisdom?

  • Thumbnail for Left and Right

    Left and Right

    Extremism in either the Left or Right direction both encourage archonic interference in human affairs, as they represent the person’s strong attachment to power and control over self and others. Power and control over humans is much to be desired by the Demiurge and its archonic helpers. Anytime one favors an authority pulling the strings and forcing behavior upon the citizenry, you have Leftist values at play. This is Demiurgic. Inversely, anytime one favors personal responsibility and self-determination, you are embodying Aeonic virtues.

  • Thumbnail for Morality, Ethics, and Gnosis

    Morality, Ethics, and Gnosis

    Where does morality come from? Is it an empty pipe dream imposed by society and adopted out of a sense of guilt and terror of hell? Or is there another way of arriving at virtue without relying on guilt and fear? This episode contrasts an atheistic, scholastic view of morality with authenitc, gnostic morality. In this episode, we look once again to the Tao Te Ching, verse 18, and trace virtue’s fall from grace to hypocrisy.

  • Thumbnail for The Infancy Gospel of James:  Mary and the Birth of Jesus

    The Infancy Gospel of James: Mary and the Birth of Jesus

    This episode is a Christmas treat for your enjoyment. I am sharing an alternative nativity story of Jesus from The Infancy Gospel of James, one of the books that didn’t make it into the Bible. This book is not particularly gnostic; it is more along the lines of a fable of the birth of Jesus.

  • Thumbnail for Mud Up, Spirit Down

    Mud Up, Spirit Down

    This episode shares a couple of basic concepts from Cyd’s theory of everything called “A Simple Explanation of Absolutely Everything.” The idea that kicked it all off was a phrase that came to me: “Mud Up, Spirit Down.” What does that have to do with toruses? Or fruit salads? How on earth does any of this tie in to Gnostic studies and the Nag Hammadi? And why should we care?

  • Thumbnail for The Fall: Who, what, where, how, and why

    The Fall: Who, what, where, how, and why

    According to Gnostic cosmology, the Fall was not instigated by humans. It was most definitely not when Eve handed Adam an apple from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The Fall occurred way before that. Way before humans. Way before the creation of heaven and earth. In fact, according to Gnostic cosmology, the Fall is what kicked off our material instantiation and set the stage for this universe to come into being. Here’s what happened.

  • Thumbnail for Gnosis and the Tao, Verses 1 and 31

    Gnosis and the Tao, Verses 1 and 31

    Abstract thought on the part of the Pleroma defined creation prior to the Big Bang. In our universe, we are only able to recognize objects and concepts we have named.

  • Thumbnail for Gnosis and the Tao Te Ching, v. 21, 4, & 48

    Gnosis and the Tao Te Ching, v. 21, 4, & 48

    In Gnostic terminology, the Tao spoken of by Lao Tzu refers to the Father. The principles of organization that have informed our universe since the moment before creation refers to the Fullness of God. Non-being refers to clearing your personal Unit of Consciousness of egoic memes and karma to reveal your truest Self. Non-action refers to allowing the Fullness of God to direct your actions for the greater good.

  • Thumbnail for The Three Orders of Power and the Demiurge

    The Three Orders of Power and the Demiurge

    The Demiurge is great and powerful. It is the god of this universe, identified in the Old Testament as Yahweh. But there is a higher…

  • Thumbnail for The Anti-Christ

    The Anti-Christ

    The anti-Christ is to be found within the oft repeated mantra that we can take care of each other and build a better tomorrow without God. That more and more powerful governmental and corporate entities will satisfy our needs and give us that Paradise on Earth that will dispel hunger, climate change, and poverty for the betterment of all. That we can live forever through technological manipulation. That we deserve everything we desire. Kinkier sex. Fancier food. More stuff dropped on our doorsteps by Amazon. That these will make us happy. That this will bring fulfillment. This is the spirit of the anti-Christ.

  • Thumbnail for Ego’s Shroud

    Ego’s Shroud

    The Ego protects us from the world. The Ego collects our experiences and memes and holds them on its surface. From the outside, it looks to our neighbors as though we are only our Ego because the Ego is opaque, and it hides our internal, eternal spirit.