Cyd and Friend Talk Gnostic Gospel, Pt.1

Cyd sits down with a new friend who has just read The Gnostic Gospel Illuminated for the first time. She is obviously far along in her gnostic journey and her questions and observations are right on point. We sat at the kitchen table and shared gnosis for a couple of hours. Here is the first half hour of our conversation. You will hear the dog playing with his squeaker toy and other random noises… Part Two of this conversation will continue next week.

The Gnostic Gospel Illuminated book cover
clear and simple gnosis for your consideration

The above list contrasts the traits of the Father with the traits of the Demiurge. When people live on the left side of the list in the land of vices, they may experience momentary pleasure; but it is an imitation of the joy experienced on the right side of the list in the land of virtue and it always disappoints in the end.
The pyramid atop the Fullness
Logos forgets the rest of the Pleroma, which sets up the Fall. The Fallen Logos will become the Demiurge of this material universe. The Demiurge has amnesia regarding the Father and the Pleroma because he had forgotten them as he Fell. Consequently, the Demiurge is characterized by his god-sized ego.
We Second Order Powers are caught in the Endless War here below.
Football player Nick Foles gives glory to God during a game, deflecting the glory away from himself.