Is Any Sin Unforgiveable? Blaspheming the Holy Spirit

The Third Order Powers of the Christ are the most powerful force in our cosmos, far more powerful than we are and infinitely more powerful than the Pleroma of the Demiurge. This is how it is that once we accept the Christ and invite our personal Third Order Powers to enter into our soul we immediately feel the love of the Father and are no longer powerless to resist the wily temptations of the archons of the Demiurge. The Third Order Powers see through the lies and phantoms of the imitation. They cannot be deluded by the deficiency. They are not affected by the never-ending war. And we share that enlightenment to the extent that we accept the indwelling of the Third Order Powers.

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Tag: gnostic gospel

  • Thumbnail for Neverending War

    Neverending War

    Whereas those of the deficiency arose from the egoic thought that led Logos to overreach and fall, “those of the remembrance” arose from Logos having the good thought of the Father and the Fullness. Those of the deficiency represent phantoms and confusion, whereas the new fruit, the Second Order Powers, represent the virtues of the ALL and life that emanates through the Holy Spirit of the Father. These Second Order Powers were fruited one by one and sent down to populate the space within the Boundary in order to bring life and love into the chaos and confusion.

  • Thumbnail for Second Order Powers–The New Pleroma of Logos

    Second Order Powers–The New Pleroma of Logos

    When Logos turned away from the presumptuous thought and began to remember the Fullness and the Father, he generated a new fractal Pleroma within himself that contained all of the images of the beings of thought. Only this time, since Logos was within the Boundary when he remembered the Fullness and the Father, his new Pleroma was fitted into the Boundary. This differed from the original Pleroma of Logos that Fell and deserted him because this Pleroma was able to work within the Boundary with reason and purpose, unlike the imitations of the deficiency who lacked the Father’s consciousness and the ability to pull themselves out of chaos.

  • Thumbnail for The Demiurge and the Boundary

    The Demiurge and the Boundary

    Logos appointed an Archon to bring order to the chaos. This Archon is what we call the Demiurge. The Demiurge is able to control matter. “The things which he has spoken he does.” The book of Genesis attributes these actions of the Demiurge to Jehovah when it says, “God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.”
    The Demiurge is in charge of the mud, the material, the hard rocky places–at the small scale the dirt and the elements, and at the large scale the rocky planets and the stars in the heavens. If there are creatures on a planet, they coat the outside of the dead rocky planet. Life only comes from the Father. Life is top-down.

  • Thumbnail for The Fall and the Deficiency

    The Fall and the Deficiency

    Logos had not realized the impossibility of approaching the illimitable consciousness of the Father. Logos could “not attain him,” because the Father “did not receive him.” Because of his self-exaltation, another good synonym for ego, Logos fully expected to reach the Father and to reproduce his own glorious reflection that would populate a new Paradise of emanations based upon himself. In other words, Ego’s opinion was not based on reality or truth, only his high opinion of his own capabilities. Abandoning the Aeonic rules and his brothers in the Fullness, Logos “went beyond himself” and this overreach brought the sickness of self-doubt onto his soul.

  • Thumbnail for Logos—His Birth, Inheritance, and Fall

    Logos—His Birth, Inheritance, and Fall

    The final Aeon, Logos, found himself sitting on top of the Hierarchy of the Fullness. And, since he contained within himself a copy of all of the other Aeons, he became confused as to his proper role and function and he mistook his own will for the will of the Fullness. Sitting up there on top, Logos had no other Aeons as his direct neighbors on either side, unlike all of the other Aeons within the great pyramidal shape that forms the Hierarchy. Nor was there any Aeon stationed above his location. Logos was positionally exalted above his peers, as if he were the King of the Hierarchy. There was no one and no thing above him other than the Father. Logos overreached and Fell.

  • Thumbnail for The Generation of the Aeons and Logos

    The Generation of the Aeons and Logos

    It is said that although the Father put an unquenchable thirst to align themselves with the One into the minds of the Fullness, he did not reveal to them the Father’s ineffable nature and the impossibility of reuniting with him and surviving to tell the tale. This was doubtless to keep alive the hope of reunification with the Father as a motive for continually giving glory.

  • Thumbnail for Introduction to A Simple Explanation of the Gnostic Gospel

    Introduction to A Simple Explanation of the Gnostic Gospel

    And then around 2016, I read a copy of the Nag Hammadi Scriptures. At first I found the ideas shocking. These were the very heresies my conservative Christianity had warned me away from. According to Christians, these beliefs were excluded from our modern versions of the Bible to protect the church from theological misinformation. I discovered that radical repackaging had removed from the New Testament a type of spiritual belief that was well- known to Jesus and his followers. This belief system, commonly called Gnosticism, describes Christianity differently than does our modern Church. Gnosticism makes sense of most of the more mysterious aspects of Christianity, including humanity’s role in the great scheme of things, and common questions such as “why is there evil in the world?”

  • Thumbnail for The Emanation of the Son and the ALL

    The Emanation of the Son and the ALL

    The Son reflects the Father’s boundless greatness and love. The Son possesses every trait of the Father, for the Son is a complete encapsulation of the Father in which it dwells. Every trait of the Father is expressed now as a singularity, and that singularity is called the Son.

    And yet although it was a singular manifestation of the Father, the moment the Son was formed, it was no longer alone, for not only the Son, but what is called the ALL, or the Totalities, arose at once.  The ALL immediately appeared as the offspring of the Son, because the Son could not help itself from bringing others into existence, even as it was brought into existence by the Father.

  • Thumbnail for The God Above All Gods

    The God Above All Gods

    I like to begin with the cosmos as it unfolded and rolled out. The word for that sort of study is “cosmogony,” which is defined as the study of the origins of the universe. This makes the most sense to me–to start at the very beginning and then to go through the entire process of how everything came to be and who the principal players are and then, after that is established, to see how that applies to our lives. Then we can ask, “Why are we here? Is there a purpose to our lives? How should we live?” After that, we can finally consider the termination of the universe and what happens after we die. All of these questions are answered very precisely in the Tripartite Tractate of the Nag Hammadi. This knowledge is known as “gnosis.”

  • Thumbnail for “Why Are We Here?” A Listener Question

    “Why Are We Here?” A Listener Question

    Why did the Fullness of God find it necessary to create the Second Order of Powers and send them (us) down here to redeem the demiurge? Why wasn’t the demiurge simply abandoned after the Fall?

  • Thumbnail for Magic and Gnosis

    Magic and Gnosis

    What’s with the so-called gnostic connection with magical practices? Cyd examines some of the inconsistencies between magic and Gnosticism and argues that magic is not a virtuous pursuit.

  • Thumbnail for Easter Message, 2022

    Easter Message, 2022

    The Christ has never fallen. The Christ didn’t fall. The Christ was a new fruit that came after the Second Order of Powers. The Christ came down voluntarily in order to save creation and return the entirety back up to the Fullness of God.

  • Thumbnail for Valentinian Theology Review

    Valentinian Theology Review

    This episode discusses some of the differences and similarities between Gnosticism and Christianity and suggests that this Gnostic theology is what Jesus of Nazareth actually taught. Who is God? What is the original sin? Who and what is the Christ? Are you and your loved ones going to Heaven?

  • Thumbnail for Honoring Our Aeonic Nature

    Honoring Our Aeonic Nature

    As part of the Gnostic psychology that I’m developing along with my brother, Bill, this episode discusses virtues and vices and how they relate to our Aeonic inheritance.

  • Thumbnail for Powers and Archons

    Powers and Archons

    Cyd translates the arcane language of the Tripartite Tractate into understandable words to describe the genesis of the archons and their relationship to the Demiurge and this material universe. Who or what are these “beautiful likenesses” that mistake themselves for the Aeons of the Fullness?

    “The thought of the archons is not barren–all that they thought about they have as potential offspring: fighters, warriors, troublemakers, apostates, disobedient beings, lovers of power…”