The Son of the God Above All Gods

How is it that we can claim to know these characteristics of the Father—his sweetness, his greatness, and so forth? Well, that is because the Father reveals his own characteristics through what is called the Son, and the Son is actually the God that we are able to relate to. The Son is the relatable father to us and to the Aeons, whereas the Son is the only Son of that Father who is otherwise inexpressible. The Son does reflect and incorporate the characteristics of the Father, so it seems to me that we can infer the characteristics of the Father from the Son, and that’s what I think the author of the Tripartite Tractate did—inferred what the characteristics of the Father must be by examining the characteristics of the Son.

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Tag: listener interview

  • Thumbnail for Interview with Hathaway Jane

    Interview with Hathaway Jane

    One night my heart hurt so bad. And I just said, God, please forgive me for all the things I’ve done in life. And I was like, I need to know you’re here and that you’re real. And all of a sudden I saw God and the most overwhelming feeling of love and light and warmth filled my body. This is an experience I will never forget. And I saw God. And I didn’t see him like standing there. It wasn’t like my eyes were seeing, but I could see in my mind this presence, and it was thick. And it was so warm. And it was so loving. And it was just pure love. And at that very moment my entire life changed drastically. I was already into Jung. I had already worked on myself. But that was real. That was so real.