Is Any Sin Unforgiveable? Blaspheming the Holy Spirit

The Third Order Powers of the Christ are the most powerful force in our cosmos, far more powerful than we are and infinitely more powerful than the Pleroma of the Demiurge. This is how it is that once we accept the Christ and invite our personal Third Order Powers to enter into our soul we immediately feel the love of the Father and are no longer powerless to resist the wily temptations of the archons of the Demiurge. The Third Order Powers see through the lies and phantoms of the imitation. They cannot be deluded by the deficiency. They are not affected by the never-ending war. And we share that enlightenment to the extent that we accept the indwelling of the Third Order Powers.

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Tag: Units of Consciousness

  • Thumbnail for Human Nature–Gnostic Psychology

    Human Nature–Gnostic Psychology

    The more we identify with the Fullness and our One Self, the less we identify with our Ego and our memes. The more we practice the values of the Fullness known as virtues, the less inclined we are to practice the values of the fallen Demiurge—the vices. And, ultimately, our release from all earthly karma and memes takes place as a gift given to us by the redeeming nature of the Christ, who frees our Self to return to its Aeonic home above once we stop holding onto all temptations that this realm presents to us.

  • Thumbnail for Embrace Virtue

    Embrace Virtue

    We humans are fractal iterations of the Aeons of the Fullness. We are their fruit. We have dim memories of a perfect Paradise, as dreamt by the Fullness. We have a built-in longing for Fullness. We barely remember the Son and the Father, other than an expectation of feeling loved or that we should be loved, and we are locked into an endless war with the dark side of our natures and with other people who stand in our way.

  • Thumbnail for Christ and the Third Order Powers

    Christ and the Third Order Powers

    “Then from the harmony, in a joyous willingness which had come into being, they brought forth the fruit, which was a begetting from the harmony, a unity, a possession of the Totalities, revealing the countenance of the Father, of whom the aeons thought as they gave glory and prayed for help for their brother with a wish in which the Father counted himself with them. Thus, it was willingly and gladly that they bring forth the fruit.” The Gnostic Gospel calls this new fruit the Christ.

  • Thumbnail for Second Order Powers–The New Pleroma of Logos

    Second Order Powers–The New Pleroma of Logos

    When Logos turned away from the presumptuous thought and began to remember the Fullness and the Father, he generated a new fractal Pleroma within himself that contained all of the images of the beings of thought. Only this time, since Logos was within the Boundary when he remembered the Fullness and the Father, his new Pleroma was fitted into the Boundary. This differed from the original Pleroma of Logos that Fell and deserted him because this Pleroma was able to work within the Boundary with reason and purpose, unlike the imitations of the deficiency who lacked the Father’s consciousness and the ability to pull themselves out of chaos.

  • Thumbnail for The Generation of the Aeons and Logos

    The Generation of the Aeons and Logos

    It is said that although the Father put an unquenchable thirst to align themselves with the One into the minds of the Fullness, he did not reveal to them the Father’s ineffable nature and the impossibility of reuniting with him and surviving to tell the tale. This was doubtless to keep alive the hope of reunification with the Father as a motive for continually giving glory.

  • Thumbnail for The Son, Part 2: The Generation of the Aeons

    The Son, Part 2: The Generation of the Aeons

    Last week’s episode was supposed to be about the Son. But we’ve hardly heard anything about the Son himself. We hear about the Father being indescribable and we hear about the infinite number of spirits of the Church that form the body of the Son. But we really haven’t heard much in the way of descriptions of the Son itself. This is because the only way that the Son can be described is through the Aeons, which is to say, through the fractals that come out of the Son. As we trace the path of emanations flowing out of the inconceivable Father and through the barely conceivable Son, we become more and more concrete in our ability to understand the nature of God. It is when we enter the realm of the Aeons that we can begin to recognize the panoply of properties of the Father and Son.

  • Thumbnail for Left and Right

    Left and Right

    Extremism in either the Left or Right direction both encourage archonic interference in human affairs, as they represent the person’s strong attachment to power and control over self and others. Power and control over humans is much to be desired by the Demiurge and its archonic helpers. Anytime one favors an authority pulling the strings and forcing behavior upon the citizenry, you have Leftist values at play. This is Demiurgic. Inversely, anytime one favors personal responsibility and self-determination, you are embodying Aeonic virtues.

  • Thumbnail for Mud Up, Spirit Down

    Mud Up, Spirit Down

    This episode shares a couple of basic concepts from Cyd’s theory of everything called “A Simple Explanation of Absolutely Everything.” The idea that kicked it all off was a phrase that came to me: “Mud Up, Spirit Down.” What does that have to do with toruses? Or fruit salads? How on earth does any of this tie in to Gnostic studies and the Nag Hammadi? And why should we care?

  • Thumbnail for Gnosis and the Tao, Verses 1 and 31

    Gnosis and the Tao, Verses 1 and 31

    Abstract thought on the part of the Pleroma defined creation prior to the Big Bang. In our universe, we are only able to recognize objects and concepts we have named.

  • Thumbnail for As Below, So Above: Inferring the Transcendent

    As Below, So Above: Inferring the Transcendent

    If we start with the premise of a singular consciousness that pre-exists everything that came after it, then we can follow the genesis of our universe from that consciousness step-by-step. In today’s episode, we are going to map aspects of our human personalities onto the Gnostic Gospel to see what we can infer about ourselves down here below and about the forms of consciousness above.

  • Thumbnail for Escaping Fundamentalism, Part 2, with Adrian Charles Smith

    Escaping Fundamentalism, Part 2, with Adrian Charles Smith

    Continuing our discussion of fundamentalism in all its fractal forms with my gnostic friend, Adrian Smith. Learn how manufactured fear and demonization of the other drives us into the clutches of the powerful few where we look in vain for salvation. These saviors put on a face of piety and pretty promises, but their motivation is always power–the more power over your life, the better.

  • Thumbnail for Whence Arises Consciousness? Part 1: Consider Viruses and Organoids

    Whence Arises Consciousness? Part 1: Consider Viruses and Organoids

    Much to its chagrin, the demiurge cannot create life or imbue consciousness into dead matter. This episode examines viruses and organoids to uncover the fine…

  • Thumbnail for Slime Mold Pleroma

    Slime Mold Pleroma

    One cool thing about slime molds is that they are individual, single-celled organisms, yet when conditions call for it, they come together and form one fully coordinated body. Once in that aggregated body, the mold acts according to the Simple Golden Rule, with one mind, one will, and one goal, just like the Pleroma.

  • Thumbnail for Monads, Panpsychism, and the Fullness of God

    Monads, Panpsychism, and the Fullness of God

    Our universe is comprised of fractal units of consciousness of the Fullness of God, each with their own point-of-view. These monads come into our universe with all of the original consciousness of the Father and the Son, however the knowledge contained is on a need-to-know basis.

  • Thumbnail for Aeons, Not Ages

    Aeons, Not Ages

    In this ground-breaking episode, we take a close look at David Bentley Hart’s recent translation of the New Testament, and how his more accurate rendering of the original Greek brings the New Testament fully in line with the concepts of Gnosticism.