Christ–The 3rd Order of Powers

When Logos Fell, his egoic bits and pieces shattered and scattered, becoming the lost little shadows of the deficiency. Logos was horrified at what had happened and at the unruly, disobedient parts of himself that were now loose and rolling around down here below. Logos fled the deficiency and returned to the Fullness, praying for help from the Father and his aeonic brothers to assist with cleaning up the spill.

When Logos returned to the Fullness, his Pleroma was born out of the parts of himself that had become self-aware as a result of the Fall. These parts of Logos, his Pleroma, represented the better part of each and every piece of himself that had broken out and remained below as shadows of the Fall. It is the Fullness of the new Pleroma of Logos that forms the body of the Redeemer who comes back down to the deficiency, one piece at a time, to restore love and memory to the Demiurge, helping him remember the gnosis that will return him to the Fullness and bring the eventual end to this deficiency we call materialism.

Logos crowns the Fullness
Logos contains with itself representations of all the other Aeons of the Fullness. That’s Logos sitting up there on top of the Fullness.
Logos forgets about his duties as part of the Fullness and makes a unilateral decision to launch himself upward to reunite with the Father. Instead of rejoining the Glory of the Illimitable, Logos Falls.
The dispersion of Logos into the deficiency.
After the Fall, Logos produced disobedient shadows of himself that became material.
We Second Order Powers are caught here in the material universe, fighting a never-ending war with forces of the deficiency. Logos prayed to the Father while looking at his brothers in the Fullness. This prayer resulted in the ordination of the Third Order of Powers, the Christ. The mission of the Christ is to reenter the material world, one piece at a time, until all of the pieces are redeemed.

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