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Welcome back to Gnostic Insights. Well, the final proof copy of the book is in the mail and on its way to me. I’ll have one more look at it and then I’ll put it up on Amazon for sale.
I’d like to personally thank Hathaway, Gabriella, John, Barbara, and Jenny for their very generous support. If anybody else would like to contribute $50 towards this publication cost, actually it’s not the cost of publication as much as it is the cost that will go into promotion, into advertising, because we want this book to go big, don’t we? So thank you so much. If anybody else would still like to have a personally signed copy from me of A Simple Explanation of the Gnostic Gospel, contact me and send me that $50 and I’ll give you a signed copy of the book as well.
Also, I’d like to personally thank some people that have written to me to say they can’t afford $50 but they really support the book and really do support this Gnostic Gospel effort that we’re putting out here, and I appreciate you every bit as much. Your prayers, considerations, and good wishes for me are every bit as valuable. So God bless you and thank you so much.
And now on to this week’s episode.
When I meet people and I start to talk to them about what I write about and what the podcast is about, it’s almost a hopeless task. And I bet you’ve discovered this as well when you try to explain Gnosticism to someone.
First off, what does Gnostic mean? Gnostic means to know. It means knowledge, knowing. It’s the opposite of agnostic. Agnostic means I don’t know. An atheist is a person who says no, there’s no such thing as God. They’re an atheist. Theist means godly. A means not. Agnostic means I don’t know, maybe there is a God. Maybe there’s not a God. Whereas a believer is yes, I know there is a God and I believe in God.
Now, how is it that we can believe in God? There’s different ways to believe in God. I think that most people that say they believe in God, believe in God theoretically, may even trust that God is looking out for them, but they don’t know God. They are not friends with God. They do not speak to and listen to God, because that would just be weird, right? You know, that’s the believing in something that’s not there, which is how atheists generally regard people who speak to God, that we are simply delusional, that we’re making it up, that it’s fairytale stuff.
Gnosis means that you know God and that you believe it is possible to know God. And how can you know God? How do you know that you know God? That’s why Gnosticism is such a difficult and labyrinthian… labyrinthian means, you know, like in a maze. You have to work your way through the maze, picking up a little bit there and trying this way, and then trying that way, and then trying this way. Gnosticism is usually like stumbling around blindly in a maze. And this is why so many young Gnostics or people who seek gnosis dabble in this, and then they dabble in that, and they dabble in something else. They’re just picking up little bits along the way, but it doesn’t necessarily add up to anything. Or you may have a whole bunch of memes that you’ve collected along the way, all these various esoteric religious memes from various Gnostic websites or Gnostic books or Gnostic podcasts, but they’re all just a jumble of memes and you don’t know how to put them together.
So the Simple Explanation of the Gnostic Gospel is a framework upon which you can hang these various things you have learned. It’s no longer going to be just a big bag, a jumble of tidbits, but it is going to fit into a framework, a worldview, an ideological worldview, that is a meme bundle of Gnostic thought. This is not easy to convey to people.
So this is why my Simple Explanation model is very useful. And this thing I call the Simple Explanation, this was a thought that came to me many years ago by now, 15 or 20 years ago, and I call it a Simple Explanation of Absolutely Everything. That’s the name of my first blog, and it’s still posted, and I still post to it now and then. It’s a non-religious blog, it’s a mathy-sciencey kind of theory. However, it does talk about world religions, and it gives this framework that I have now applied to the Gnostic Gospel. And once you apply the Simple Explanation to this amorphous, labyrinthian thing that is called Gnosticism, now you have a framework upon which to view and to evaluate and to place all of those memes you have collected that are just bumping around in a big sack on your back at the moment.
So when people ask me, well, what do you talk about? What do you teach? It’s very difficult standing out there on the lawn just chatting with someone or at the dog park about what I teach or what is Gnosticism. That’s why we’ve got this podcast and the books.
My first book on Gnosticism, The Gnostic Gospel Illuminated, is very short, and heavily illustrated. That’s when I came up with all of these diagrams that are in my Gnosticinsights.com website or in my various books. Visual metaphors are important to me. That’s how I help to figure things out for myself. These visual metaphors, like thinking of the pleroma of the Fullness of God as a stack of golden cannonballs. That’s a weird thing to say. So how do I explain that to someone just standing around at the dog park? It doesn’t make any sense at all.

The first book, The Gnostic Gospel Illuminated, is very short. It’s only about 50 pages. Very, very simple because I wanted to lay out the Gnostic Gospel as simply as possible. Look at the pictures, read these few words on each page, and I believe that you have that path to Gnosis and it’s all you need to know. Most people go, well, it’s very pretty and it’s kind of poetic, but what? What’s it about? I don’t get it. So that is why I wrote this longer book that I keep talking to you about that’s going to be released any day now. I’ll be sure to let you know. Maybe by next week it’ll be posted. It’ll be out there on Amazon–A Simple Explanation of the Gnostic Gospel.
So I’ve applied the Simple Explanation of Absolutely Everything framework, like the structure of a building, the framework, just the support beams on which you can place the Gnostic memes that you have gathered along the way, you see. So my Simple Explanation of the Gnostic Gospel gives you that ideological framework. And then I explain all of the Gnosis that I have gathered directly out of the Nag Hammadi, which were scriptures that were dug up out of the desert in 1945 in Nag Hammadi, Egypt. They’ve been buried for about 2,000 years and have only relatively recently been translated. So I apply those insights to the Simple Explanation framework. That’s basically the way I work.
And also I want to mention that we don’t need to go around gathering Gnostic memes or you don’t have to learn the things that are in my books. Because the basic concept in Gnosis is that we are born with this aeonic information inside of us. The same information that gives us consciousness and love and life in the first place. The truth that is channeled down from the Aeons, the Fullness of God, into us at conception we carry along throughout our entire lives. So I’ve often said here at Gnostic Insights that I’m not teaching you. You’re not learning this. What you’re doing is remembering. I’m trying to reawaken your own inherent knowledge of God.
If you never heard anything I said and you never went to any Gnostic website or read any Gnostic book, you would still be able to commune directly with the Father and directly with the Son, the Fullness of God, and Christ because they are inside of us. They come in at conception and grow up with us. We forget about them because of the nature of living in a material world—because of the never-ending war, Gnostics would say—the struggle against the material level. The tension between the ethereal and the material. That’s that dual aspect that people often talk about in Gnosticism.
So that’s all you really need to know. We come from above. We carry the Father’s consciousness within us. And that Christ came to save everyone because we’re all from God. So everything has to go back home to God at the end of time. God’s not going to leave bits of himself behind. God is not going to assign bits of his consciousness to everlasting torment because they failed to recognize the Father. Christ came to save everyone. It says it over and over again in the New Testament. And whether you accept that now or you accept that later, even after death, you will still eventually go back to the Fullness of God. You will eventually be covered by the Christ once you realize that, but it may take a few incarnations to do so, or have some very unpleasant bardo experiences after you die to come to that realization. So it’s a lot better just to realize this now. You’ll have a better life. You’ll be happier. You’ll have the surety of the knowledge of God. This is the basic gnosis that we need to know.
People ask me, well, then what is the gnosis that you teach? And I think I’ve been describing it incorrectly when I’m just standing around chatting to people. Here at GnosticInsights.com, at the Gnostic Insights podcast, you’re getting the long form of all these thoughts and all these explanations. You’ve got it all if you back up now and listen to the last two, three years of the podcast. It’s all in there, but it’s going to take you a long time to listen to it, isn’t it? Or to read all the articles if you’re reading the transcripts instead.
The book, A Simple Explanation of the Gnostic Gospel, puts it all out there in this one handy place. It’s about 280 pages long, and it explains the very simple gnosis that was originally contained in my Gnostic Gospel Illuminated, because people want explanations, and it takes a lot longer to explain something than to just say it outright. So that’s why the book is so important, because I do think if you read A Simple Explanation of the Gnostic Gospel, you’ll have everything you need to know, both about what gnosis is, and what your role on earth is, and what will happen to you after you die. And those are the big questions, right? But when someone just asks me, like at the dog park, well, what is it that you teach? I’ve been talking about isms rather than teaching them, because I have not felt confident that I can really speak the gnosis, just standing there, boom, to a stranger and have them get it in five or ten minutes. But maybe I can. Maybe I’ve just been too shy to actually come out and say it. I don’t teach historical Gnosticism, because to me, history is in the past, and I really don’t dwell in the past. I don’t necessarily dwell in the future. I try to stay in the here and now. So I look around me, I see what is in myself. I see what is happening in the world. I see how I react to what’s happening in the world. I compare scriptures. I compare the New Testament to the Tripartite Tractate of the Nag Hammadi. This is all in the here and now time to come to understanding these things.
I commune with the Fullness of God several times a day. And the way I realize to remember the Fullness is whenever I run across those times on the clock, that’s when I remember to plug back into the Fullness. And it’s those times, the 1:11, 10:10, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55—whenever I run across those kinds of times on the clock, and I run across them every day, it’s a synchronicity with me. I’m able to just randomly look at the clock. And oftentimes, if not most times, that I glance at the clock, it’s one of those special times, then I immediately look upward and commune with the Father and commune with the Fullness of God. And I thank the Fullnesses for being there for me. I thank the Father for knowledge and wisdom and connecting me to the sureness of his existence. Because I do believe in God. But these clock times are not mystical or magical. They are just a simple way for me to personally remember to look up. I’m sure you can come up with your own prompt, if the time thing doesn’t suit you. The point is to get our eyes off of the world and to reconnect with the Father and the Fullness.

I’m what’s called a true believer. Now, I’ve been a true believer before I was a Gnostic. I’m a Christian, a true Christian. Born again means you really do invite Christ to come into your life. You really do try to move your ego off of the throne of your unit of consciousness and allow the Christ to take control. Jesus, take the wheel, as the song says. And by doing that, when you begin to not look at the world through your own needs and desires, your own ego, when you begin to look at the world through the eyes of God, through the eyes of Christ, it’s a whole different place. Because now we can begin to see others with the love of God.
My own egoic self isn’t that fond of people, truly. I love my dogs. I love cats. I love the birds. I love all of the creatures. I love them. And I feel the love. People, not so much. Because people are each in charge of their own karma, and most of them are living out of their selfish ego or their narcissism. And to me, they’re just not very likable. But we’re called to love them. They’re lovable because they’re all creatures too. If I love my dog, I ought to love my neighbor, my human neighbor. But I really love my dog with affection, right? My human neighbor, maybe not so much. Maybe they irritate me. Maybe they have a political sign posted on their lawn that I think is just horrible. But I’m called to love them. And how can I do that? The only way to love them is to take my ego off of the throne, off of the center of my considerations, off of the center of my unit of consciousness, and remember to re-enthrone Christ.
Once you’re born again, Christ isn’t sitting on your throne forever. You keep forgetting that he’s supposed to be there, and your ego keeps moving in. So it’s a constant process. It’s not a struggle, because I’m not struggling against Christ. I’m not saying, no, I want to be in charge. I’m not doing that at all. It’s just that I forget to look with the eyes of God, and I habitually let my ego get on the throne. So this is one of the things that happens at the 2:22 or 3:33 in the daytime or in the night. I say, oh! The Fullnesses! Oh! Christ! And boom, they are now back on the throne of my soul. Do you see what I’m saying? I call that re-centering, being in the glory beam, because we have a direct connection to the Father above. We have a direct connection to the Fullnesses of God. And of course, when we’re born again, because we have invited Christ to take over our soul, we of course have a direct connection with Christ, because he lives in us.
I think when I’m chatting with people at the dog park, rather than saying, well, Gnosticism is an ancient religion that predates Christianity, probably predates Judaism, and these are ancient scriptures that were buried in the desert in Nag Hammadi, Egypt, and dug up in 1945, and recently translated, and I’m teaching out of one of those books. That’s not telling them anything, is it? That’s kicking back into the history of things, which I’m not all that big of a fan of, really.
So what I really need to tell people is, if they say, what is Gnosis? I say, we are all children of the Fullness of God. The Fullness of God has these beings in it that are called the Aeons. And the Aeons are every possible expression of the Son of God. And the Son of God is the only emanation directly from consciousness itself. And in religious circles, we call that consciousness the Father, not necessarily God, because there’s a lot of gods.
In fact, in the Old Testament, the God of that Old Testament in the Bible of the Hebrews and most of the Christians is called Jehovah or Yahweh. But in the Gnostic viewpoint, when Jesus said, I and my Father are one, he was talking about the God Above All Gods, even the God above the God who created this world. So, before the material world, and before this God of this creation—that isn’t the God that we worship.
We worship the Father above, to realize that there is a Father above, and Jesus is his Son. Christ is his Son. Christ, of course, predates Jesus, because Jesus is a half-human, half-Christ creature, right? He’s a creation. Jesus did more than die for us on the cross. He took an ethereal being and melded it into a physical body. We all are melded into physical bodies, and we’re all ethereal beings, by the way. We all have the Fullness of God in us, because we are children of the Fullness of God. So we have their aeonic inheritance. So Christ had that too.
But the purpose of the virgin birth is his DNA was perfect. Jesus is the prototypical human. He is, I guess we would say, Adam or Adamas, the proto-human incarnated into this Earth with the Fullness of God fully realized into him from birth onward. So he never made mistakes. He never sinned. He never wandered out of being in contact with the Father. He was always with the Father. Whereas we keep wandering about, lost, until we remember, oh! the Father, the Fullness!, and then we’re back on the glory beam, and then the Christ is sitting in the center of our hearts, and we have full assurance of his presence and of his existence. I have no doubt.
I am, like I say, a true believer. But even before I was a Gnostic, I was a true believer in Christ, because I was a born-again Christian. The Jesus Revolution—that is a movie about that revival. So I came out of that church, that era, the Jesus Revolution, if you want to look up the movie. And once you do have a personal relationship with Jesus, with Christ, then there is no need to doubt anymore, because you have a relationship, and you know what happens. Everyone who’s born again has that experience. You have a truly mystical relationship, a dawning of realization. Oh, this isn’t just a story. This isn’t just a fairytale. This isn’t just a dead book written by dead white men, as they like to say. No, I met Jesus, and Jesus lives in me, you see. So I’ve always been a true believer.
And now I’m a Gnostic true believer, because the Gnosis out of the Nag Hammadi, especially out of the book called the Tripartite Tractate of the Nag Hammadi, this is material that was stripped out of the New Testament by the Nicene Council in the 300s AD by the Catholic Pope, and by the Emperor of Rome. And it’s a measure to break people away from having communion with the Father by taking the Gnosis out of the Bible and saying these are not true books, these are not true scriptures—that was a move of power and control. It was not a move of truth and knowledge.
So A Simple Explanation of the Gnostic Gospel puts the Gnosis that Jesus originally knew, I believe, back into the New Testament. And once you are able to read the New Testament with Gnostic eyes, then suddenly scriptures that you may have known all of your life, if you’ve been a Christian, or that you’re just learning now because you aren’t even a Christian yet, they come to life. Now they make sense. Now when it talks about the Fullness of God in the New Testament, you understand what it means. It’s not just an adjective for God being big and mighty and full. No, that’s not what the Fullness of God is. The Fullness of God is that golden pyramid sitting right above us, full of an infinite number of Aeons, who are all the variables of the Son of God. And we are each made up of those Aeons. They are our spiritual, our ethereal DNA. And they give us the blueprints. That’s where the intelligent design comes from for all of the creatures down here on earth.
All living things come from the Fullness of God, come directly down, because the Fullness of God is the only thing that brings life, love, and consciousness into this material world. Otherwise the matter is dead. The material is dead. The rocks and stones are not alive. They’re part of the deficiency. They’re part of the Fall.
Okay, well I’m sure that’s all the time we have for today. And you can see what I just told you, what is Gnosticism, that’s probably too difficult to tell someone in the dog park in five minutes. But I’m doing my best here. Thank you for spending this time with me. God bless us all.
And onward and upward!