Universal Salvation pt. 2

Even Mr. Spock would find it logical for a human to pursue the good in its own best interests, and that it is illogical, illogical all the way to insanity, to refuse the good, to refuse what is best for you. It’s a manifestation of insanity, to refuse the love of God.
I’ve noticed that many modern people seem to think of God as a yin-yang type of completion, that is, where evil balances good, where darkness is necessary to balance light, where the purpose of humanity, or what happens here in humanity, is that we are instantiating strife and struggle and evil for the teaching of God, for the completion of God. That is not right. That’s wrong theology, folks. Our God is all goodness, and there is no evil that emanates from God.

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  • Thumbnail for Guest appearance on Stellify podcast

    Guest appearance on Stellify podcast

    This week I was a guest on the Stellify podcast with host, Ant Critchley. Ant is one of my podcast followers and was eager to ask me questions about the Gnostic gospel. It’s a good, long interview that covers a lot of the Gnostic gospel in a nice, neat package.

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    Consciousness–It’s a no-brainer

    The neat thing about planaria worms is that if you cut them in half, the head half will grow a new tail and the tail half will grow a new head. Now, the interesting thing is that even though you chop off the head and the tail grows a new head, that new head knows everything that the old head knew. And this is a form of proof that the memories and knowledge that were contained in that planaria worm didn’t live in the head. They were somehow living in the entire worm.

  • Thumbnail for Interview with Hathaway Jane

    Interview with Hathaway Jane

    One night my heart hurt so bad. And I just said, God, please forgive me for all the things I’ve done in life. And I was like, I need to know you’re here and that you’re real. And all of a sudden I saw God and the most overwhelming feeling of love and light and warmth filled my body. This is an experience I will never forget. And I saw God. And I didn’t see him like standing there. It wasn’t like my eyes were seeing, but I could see in my mind this presence, and it was thick. And it was so warm. And it was so loving. And it was just pure love. And at that very moment my entire life changed drastically. I was already into Jung. I had already worked on myself. But that was real. That was so real.

  • Thumbnail for Transformative Near Death Experiences

    Transformative Near Death Experiences

    These people who died and had their near death experiences weren’t earning a glimpse of Heaven. They just died in the middle of whatever they were doing, the way we all do. And yet they were taken directly into the Heavenly realm, and these people were sent back because it wasn’t time for them to be dead yet. And when they come back, they bring the peace, love, joy, the conviction that death is not final. They have felt themselves in the warm embrace of the Father, or of Jesus, or of Angels. There was no anger there. There is no judgment there.

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    Gnostic Evolution–in the beginning…

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    If everybody is going to heaven anyway, what’s the point of being virtuous?

    Welcome to Gnostic Insights. My name is Dr. Cyd Ropp, and I’m your host. In 2019, I posted an article to my new Gnostic Gospel…

  • Thumbnail for A Path to Gnosis

    A Path to Gnosis

    If you pursue wisdom, it will come. If you don’t pursue wisdom, if you stay enmeshed in the world, if you are a materialist, if you only believe what you read from experts or the talking heads on tv, you’re not going to mine wisdom. You’re mired down in the mud. So turn inward, turn upward.

  • Thumbnail for Free Will. What is it? Do you have it?

    Free Will. What is it? Do you have it?

    Everything that is living, everything that is alive, everything that’s gestated and is born into this world is a Second Order power. And we come directly from the Fullness. We bring down the remembrance of the God Above All Gods. We bring down with us the remembrance of love and glory and our aeonic parents who are in heaven. So we have all of these memories that the Demiurge doesn’t even know about. And what else did we bring down with us? We brought down the free will of the Aeons and the ALL and the Son because we are of that direct lineage that flows downward into this material universe.

  • Thumbnail for Interview with Adrian Smith

    Interview with Adrian Smith

    There’s a cognitive dissonance going on like you’re constantly being told something is true but witnessing contradictions in behavior. And internal contradictions. George Orwell talks about this, you know—double think. You encounter two sets of facts and they don’t match up. In order to continue to believe a lie, you have to put one of these beliefs in a memory hole and you have to forget about it or bury it.

  • Thumbnail for Our Spiritual Inheritance

    Our Spiritual Inheritance

    The Father’s consciousness and spirit flows out from him in an unending stream. It is His reflected glory, initiating through their singing of the hymns, that disposes the Totalities to grasp their own Selfhood, their own “individuality, seeds, and thoughts,” and that they will “live forever,” along with the Son. We are of that inheritance. We have inherited the dispositions and qualities of the Fullness of the Aeons, the Totalities of the Father. And to awaken to Selfhood, the way to do it isn’t to focus egoistically upon ourselves—it’s actually to focus on the Father, and to give glory to the Father. And it’s in that reflected glory that we can see ourselves.

  • Thumbnail for Knowledge, Not Information

    Knowledge, Not Information

    The presumption in the academic community is that we’re developing knowledge. But all the best we can do is to develop well founded beliefs according to Plato and for the reasons that I’ve just argued for. Plato believed that learning, properly conducted, was a way of recalling what is already known by a person. So those who attended Plato’s Academy were hoping to recall the forms in the ethereal world and therefore have knowledge. So in Plato’s Academy, they weren’t strictly scholastic. They were trying to recall, because that’s the only way we can know.

  • Thumbnail for Misplaced Hopes

    Misplaced Hopes

    Are you better off than you were four years ago? Are you better off than you were ten years ago? Are the cities safer? Are the homeless housed? Are the drug addicts taken care of and given a clean and better life? Has cancer been cured? Do immunizations really help? So without stepping on any of my listeners’ toes, I would say no, probably not. And that’s what I’m going to try to explain to you today.

  • Thumbnail for Finding Gnosis, Finding God

    Finding Gnosis, Finding God

    The God Above All Gods wants to be known. This God wants us to know we are loved.

  • Thumbnail for Aeons, Archons, Angels, or Aliens?     A Gnostic Interpretation of Ancient Aliens Theory

    Aeons, Archons, Angels, or Aliens?     A Gnostic Interpretation of Ancient Aliens Theory

    This episode pays attention to the question continually raised by the ancient aliens theorists—were the “gods” of the pre-flood era merely misinterpreted alien visitors with alien tech? Are the “fallen angels” of the Book Enoch angels from God, or were they actually ancient astronauts who moved to earth and occasionally married human women? It is said that the worldwide flood was sent by God to wipe out the angel-human offspring known as Nephilim. What were the Nephilim and what God would have wiped out the entire earth and everyone on it to kill them off, and how is it that some humans were spared by warnings from “angels”?

  • Thumbnail for Revisiting Reincarnation

    Revisiting Reincarnation

    That the “you” that exists between material incarnations is nothing but your karmic record is proved by one of our basic assertions that all units of consciousness are fundamentally one and the same, and that all units of consciousness begin their individuated journey as perfect echoes of God. Then it follows that “I” develop as a result of my choices and the choices of others—“I” am my perfect unit of consciousness enshrouded in karma and the memes that my karma attracts.